Millennial Historian

I hate to say it, but if the experience of Barack Hussein Obama taught us anything, it's that a candidate needs to have a name that people with no education past high school living in a German- or Sandinavian-dominated town in Iowa can pronounce. Obama's name at least had a good balance of vowels and consonants and

Exactly! Here is where Obama deserves some blame. He didn't do much to help grow the Party's bench. My guess is it was part of the deal he struck with the Clin-Ton gang in 2008: in exchange for Hillary grudgingly giving her support to Obama, he would make her Sec. of State and — more importantly — he would not do

Duckworth, maybe. Kaine? Christ, how 'bout someone with a personality, instead? (That was also my line when Hillary Clin-Ton announced him as her running-mate.)

Besides, echo chambers don't always stay the same size. Sometimes they bring in new members, and that translates to power at the ballot box. Twenty years of Fox News-Flavored Product is proof of that.

I was getting those about 6-9 months ago. I went in and had a look at my fossilized resume from more than a decade ago. It was weird. I'm in a totally different industry, part of the country, and age bracket!

I really do hope that the experience of hearing the various forms of dissembling from the Trumpers, not least Kellyanne Conway's infamous neologism "alternative facts," will convince proponents of diversity and inclusion to stop using the phrase "my truth." I understand that people mostly use that to encourage people

Yes, and we should be sure to characterize them as "villains," too!

Driver controls the stereo — a rule as true today as when our pioneer forefathers crossed the Great Plains on the Oregon Trail.

Nah, they'll be dumping garbage.

Oh my God, this is supposed to be a pop-culture site. This is where I come to escape from all the science and space-exploration news!

"Failing PWC can't even handle their own tweets! Sad!"

He has the best apologies, believe me.

"The doctor who'll be cutting on you will be doing it from India via Internet-controlled robot. Nurse, how's the connection?"

They give the statute to the wrong Outstanding Sound Editing in Animated Shorts (Foreign Language) film every couple of years, but you don't see Steve Harvey memes about that!

As with many of us who comment here throughout the work day, perhaps (ahem), one job was meaningful to his employer, while the other was meaningful to him, personally. As Fat Tony said about Garfield hating Monday's, "we can all relate."

My father is 70, and he's in pretty good shape: he walks just fine, in terms of balance and knee cartilage; and he can walk for long distances without tiring out. I compare him to my grandfathers, who, when they were 70, were absolutely broken-down old men.

I would actually be torn if asked to serve at a high level in Trump's administration. On the one hand, I wouldn't want to be associated with the shit show; but on the other hand, that shit show could destroy my country and the world, and perhaps my service at a high level could help avoid that.

We all get to be useful, eventually!

There are even those among them who claim, with a straight face, "Donald Trump is a godly man."

Yes, in the War if Irish Aggression!