Millennial Historian

I've got no problem with "Shiny Happy People," either as the parody it was intended as, or enjoyed unironically (they didn't parody pop music by making a bad pop song, after all).

Iowa town hall attendees, 2009: "No death panels! Obamacare is communism!"

"'Benghazi'?! That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time."

Eh, American football was just fine with ties until about 20 years ago.

It's not so much that there's not enough scoring in soccer; it's that there aren't enough attempts at scoring. These guys dribble down the field, pass to one another interminably, the opposition never seems to try to steal the ball away, someone finally makes a break for it with the ball, a defender runs close by him,

tl;dr "What, you think this country is so innocent?"

No one was talking shit about Andy Griffith. I can't stress that enough.

It was entrapment. O'Brien sensed there was something off about Smith and tested him. It turned out O'Brien was right, and Smith really was failing in his commitment to the Party.

[pours one on the curb for Uncle Frank]

I try to picture Jimmy Buffet, but can only manage to picture Slim Pickens.

[snaps on sweatband with "Rosell" written on it in Sharpie]

Hmmm. [rubs chin] "Barsanti"? Doesn't sound very DAR-ready, to me. Are we sure he's white?

Black Irish.

I thought it had something to do with passing in front of (or is it behind?) the blue line.

Okay, that Federle stuff is pretty funny.

This really can't be said often enough.

He's neck-deep in a sugary cereal addiction.

Jake Lloyd needs a big ol' pass. He was a 6-year-old kid, get crissakes.

Snope is Jar-Jar?

And by "assistant," you mean "couch comfort alien."

Pray for Jar-Jar.