Millennial Historian

You said it, cigarette — KillReginald, where did you dig up that old fossil(ised need for subtitles)?

…back in high school.

Jar-Jar might not even crack my top-10 things that are horrible and heretical about the prequels.

Right now, 4-5 years ago sounds pretty inviting.

Like Logan's Run!

I've only heard Sean Connery say it up until now, so I thought things were getting kinky with "The Lashed Jedi"!

Buffalo, too!

This is actually my nightmare. Judging by a lot of comments around here, I think she's still got a worrisome base of support.

Like he's actually doing any of that shit! He's on his way to Florida.

That is impressive. Too bad it didn't carry over to the only poll that really matters.

I will bet you a hundred Trump Bucks* that there is an age-denying Baby Boomer out there who insists she still has her period in her 60s.

And emphasis on "fight." Because we need to fucking WIN, and the only way we do that is show some toughness. Even if it's fake toughness of the Reagan/Bush-43/ variety, voters have shown a willingness to go along with some shit that is directly damaging to them, so long as they're following a leader who looks and

Someone should be.


Which Laotian are we talking about?

I'd say the incidents of mass shootings are, if anything, a bit more concentrated on the coasts, where the population centers are larger and denser:

That sticky, white stuff will get all over you.

I think they like to be called "cucks."

I'm not feeling too good myself (Oh, no!)

A great wailing went up from Wisconsin at the thought of all that wasted milk.