Millennial Historian

My Let's Go edition from 1998 (Jeebus! Almost 20 years ago!) had a paragraph about skinhead shoelace codes for Berlin, especially the east. It all got so confusing that I couldn't imagine a bunch of stunted people liquored up and on speed could keep it straight, so I tossed it all and relied on my best judgement.

I made a film in high school about a mad scientist poisoning the city's reservoir. I named him "evil Dr. Breyfogle," after that comics artist.

Now I'm imagining an evolution-of-man type picture, with Batmen through the ages in chronological order.

Will their big-budget blockbuster be a Bat-Bomb?

One of the Simpsons' greatest contributions to the English language was the phrase "old enough to grow a bad teenage mustache."

Lots of creative shout-outs to other Bat-incarnations

I like to think that people in the DC universe read Marvel comics, and vice-versa.

Was it a matter of him thinking other artists couldn't do justice to his songs? I mean, there's probably a lot of truth to that, but I can't think of any wildly popular singer or musician who doesn't get covered, except James Brown. JB made his music cover-proof because just about anyone else — even Prince himself —

I think Bruno Mars is far more talented than his treacly hit "Just the Way You Are" would indicate. Every time I've seen him perform (SNL, Super Bowl halftime, etc.), I've been impressed and entertained.

"You're not making Christianity better; you're just making rock 'n' roll worse!" — Hank Hill

I don't know how widespread that phenomenon is, but Warren is from Oklahoma, where the Cherokee were removed to almost 200 years ago. Lots and lots of people there claim to have an ancestor who was Cherokee or from another tribe. Cherokee is most common, though, because (1) they are a very large tribe; (2) they were

Ted Cruz is uncanny-valley all the time. So any attempt at a joke just calls attention to the fact that he's wearing a human mask.

The toppings have sodium benzoate.

I thought he went to east-coast boarding schools and spent every summer in Kennibunkport.

Like when eating a pretzel, or riding a Segway, or putting on a cheap rain poncho!

Not to respond to you in particular, but I can sense some of the guys are uptight about this. Studies have shown that erect penis size is normally distributed, like height. That is, it follows a bell curve. The average for that distribution is 5 or 5.5 inches (I can't remember which), and the standard deviation is


Surprisingly, considering he controls everything that happens in that chamber, he always looks…shell shocked.

Thank you so much for what you do.

Don't forget to hang your laptop at night high off the ground from a tree branch that's not close to the tree's trunk.