Millennial Historian

Or "Wisconsin" or "Michigan."

Streepian, in its way.

How 'bout this: composing a couple of replies on another article having to do with Trump caused me to stay at my office 20 minutes later than when I had planned to take off early for the day?!

Every day it's new and inventive outrages. Just a few weeks ago, someone could ask you, "Did you hear what Obama said about the Russian hacking?" and you could be pretty sure you had, since you saw the headlines that morning, or heard the top stories on TV or the radio on your way into work. But now, when someone asks

You could be a cabinet secretary!

Eh, I think a lot of Democrats are still hurting from the tough loss. I mean, I can't stand the fucking Clin-Tons, but I sure as hell wanted her instead of Trump! Imagine how bad someone feels who actually wanted Hillary. They and I are on the same side of a lot of things, so I can tolerate some of the saner stuff.

"Is 'Clin-Ton' regarded as witty in your set?"

For the last 48 years, yes. But the fact that an anthropomorphic turd like Trump could get elected at all tells me that all the rules have changed.

Without comparing the two documents, I'd make an educated guess that FDR's platform in 1932 or 1936 would read pretty leftie in a lot of ways — at its time, for some of its efforts toward racial equality; and today for its advocacy of social and economic equality. The goalposts have moved so far to the right in the

This encapsulates my thoughts quite succinctly and pointedly. Thank you for your words.

That mirror idea is fucking brilliant!

I've bern seeing waaaaay too much in the way of Hillary Clin-Ton tweets and quotes in the last week or so. She's not gearing up for yet another run, is she? Good God, someone step in and disabuse her of any thought of this! She lost, and her (and her husband's) whole centrist, Third Way, Republican-lite bullshit

Some people hate Twitter, some people hate Dippin Dots. You can't explain that.

Looks like Jimmy Johns and Planters Peanuts got a bump in stock price!

"BH" = "Big Hole"?

That is a brilliant summation of a powerful national delusion.

Holy crap! I've never seen the electorate broken down by weight class before!

His bigotries are vast and varied, but seem not to include hatred of LGBT people. I'm sure he toned it down to appease the Bible-thumpers — without whom, even Trump Republicans can't get elected.

Plus, his debating style would be very intimidating!

I'll be honest. I recognize the wisdom of what you said, and maybe even the moral correctness of it. But I'm at the point where I try to understand what Trump supporters stand for, what they value, and what the consider to be truly American — and I cannot come to agreement that they and I are actually both Americans.