Millennial Historian

"Totally overrated Cosby, who hasn't had a ratings hit in 30 years, acts like he's still a big star, but he has to drug women to grab them by the pussy. Sad!"

Every president gets most of the cabinet secretaries he wants. Don't get freaked out about that. Think, instead, of the bill basically approving of official corruption that Congressional Republicans tried to pass and had to pull back due to popular and press outrage. The matches, calls to legislative offices, and all

Trump is merely the (accidental, apparently) billionaire version of the old fart who owns a local paint shop (or gas station, or some other small business) and thinks that running a business successfully makes him a genius about everything. These other guys run for city council or sit on other public boards because

Mine stopped. It didn't like what it saw.

"I am not understandink, Donald. You already owe us $5 billion, all your properties are signed over to us, and ve haff your daughter Tiffany as hostage. Now you come to us, askink for breakink of legs? How vill you pay? Vat do you haff that ve are not already ownink?"

Well, if some of the memes reposted by my aunts and in-laws on Facebook are any indication, there are lots of older Americans who believe that more kids should be beaten severely. You know, to teach 'em how to behave properly.

Fine, then, make it all year long. It's the change twice a year that's so terrible.

College football national championships.

Yes, defending his country…from a peasant army and barely equipped guerrillas 8,000 miles away, across an ocean.

This is so fucking brilliant!

This deserves all the likes!


The mockery seems to be an effective weapon against Trump, though. His notoriously thin skin can't seem to handle it, and a few more weeks of it might destabilize his mind and run him out. Besides, it's not like people aren't protesting, filing law suits, and resisting in small ways available to them (rogue National

Are we still talking about bishops? You think American Catholic bishops are afraid if speaking out against Bannon because they might be assassinated?

Of course! Ghost FDR is 100% — he keeps it wheel!

Too many people fail to understand that if they can come for one group, they can come for any group. That includes white, straight, middle-class, mainline Protestant, able-bodied war heroes. Even a group that considers itself protected by wealth, class, status, or other privilege can be carved up into oppressable

I posted this in reply to another comment, but I think it works here, too:

Unfortunately, there is a sizable faction within the Catholic Church that finds Francis abhorrent, what with all his talk of openness, forgiveness, mercy, and standing with the poor and downtrodden. I hate to say it, but it is true that many Catholics hear all that stuff echoing Christ's own teachings in the gospels

Commas matter, it's true.

Democrats tried to discredit obstructionist Republicans by calling them "the party of 'No!'" But that backfired because it fed right into the conservatives' founding myth ("standing athwart history and shouting 'Stop!'").