Millennial Historian

When people use the term "Bernie bro" after the election, I have to assume they are people who steadfastly and genuinely supported Hillary Clin-Ton from the beginning. Now that she has decisively lost and hopefully is gone from American politics forever, I am left wondering, what do they hope to gain by still using a

Your avatar made me wonder why racist Republicans (redundant, I know) never tried passing their hatred of Obama off as not liking Hawaiian stuff. That is, why not try a new kind of bigotry instead of leaning on the tried-and-true?

"Scholars have arrived at a consensus that 85% of all fast-food items introduced since 1998 have originated as a dare during focus groups with teenagers."

There are some among us here in America who think pineapple belongs on a pizza!


"Bank's closed" lost popularity after all kinds of real banks closed in 1929-30.

There are a lot of people in the Trump Administration — not least Il Douché himself — who either: are dressed and made up by someone else, and who thus never look in a mirror (perhaps they don't cast reflections?); or are in such denial or have such brain lesions that they look in the mirror and see something

Every time I see him, I think it's Healy from Orange is the New Black. Bannon's white supremacy helps with that, too.

I don't trust people with double first names like this: Kellyanne, Maryjo, Luann, Peggysue, etc. They're trying to cheat the system.

Surely it was in the sense of "what defines a refugee?" or "what distinguishes a refugee from other migrants?" Right? RIGHT?!?!

Does anyone here listen to Talkin' Simpsons?

I would pull what Fey & Poehler did with Sarah Palin, and just read Trump's own words, stopping every now and then to remind the audience, "I didn't write this stuff; the insane asshole up here on this dais said this shit in real life!"

Remember when the American president was the leader of an indrpendent nation, rather than the contract-employee of the Russians? Me, too. That was less than three weeks ago.

That's how I lost the Millennium Falcon.

I see what you're saying, and I agree that Trump is so psychopathic as to be perhaps irredeemable. But I will never give Dubya the benefit of thinking his evil was as passive as all that. His malevolence might have looked milder in comparison with Dark Lord Cheney, and certainly contrasted with Trump's. But even just

How is it possible that people — even the troglodytes — heard that exchange and failed to see that this man is emotionally a 6-year-old? I can only deduce, with horror, that something like a majority of the adult population is also similarly stunted.

Especially considering that Quimby is no longer illiterate.

This is hilariously like the Soviets' argument that their centralized control of everything was just the temporary condition that was necessary to root out bourgeois and/or monarchist backsliding and spread Marxism across the globe. When that was completed, they insisted, they would be able to dismantle the state

When you say "camp" w/r/t Trump's America, I need you to resolve the ambiguity in that word.

And then the poncho thing happened and the whole thing went to hell.