Millennial Historian

I hadn't heard about Republicans avoiding or fleeing town hall meetings! Can you elaborate?

Any time someone's rights are curtailed, it must be the result of due process. You can't get labeled mentally ill in such a way that you have your guns confiscated just by some schmo saying it. There had to be some kind of judicial, quasi-judicial, or otherwise adversarial process that allows the accused person to

Qweef, I love you. You have somehow managed through all of this to retain an expectation of basic human decency from the people who elected this walking dung pile. You haven't allowed the dispiriting experience of living in Trumpworld to degrade and debase you, and you still look at the expanse of America and think,

It can be both. Also, remember that the Russian mafiya and the Russian government are basically the same thing.

There's some great, pro-Trump stuff in One Corinthians.

"…but…but, her emails!"

He's a journalist who specializes in alternative facts.

"I never said that."

This whole exchange is about as

Homeopathy is about Jerk-ass Homer, right? Like, Homer only cares about himself because the writers have turned him into a selfish, cruel homeopath?

All of them.

I just hope his ring doesn't work against wood in this one!

I love how we went from the ambition of acting to the grueling reality of waiting tables instantly.

All of this makes a certain intellectual sense. But, as a person with no ancestry from Spanish-speaking cultures, it also seems like an unnecessarily long way to go when the term "Hispanic" is right there.

Those are Yankton rules. Here is Tugtwothousandpounds, we do things differently.

Seems like they should have made a tag with this Gorsuch motherfucker's name.

Yes! Standing, swollen-feet, wear-a-diaper filibuster or nothing!

Robert Bork's claims to fame (before his Supreme Court candidacy):

That means that, unless you really are the man pictured in your avatar, you most certainly attended school while contagious with a disease several times.

Rise of the Dawn of Shaft