Millennial Historian

"They didn't know a word of english and we're not going to learn it from watching pokemon with me."

We learned about tourtière at my house a few years ago, gave it a try, and have adopted it as a Xmas Eve tradition ever since. It is amazing, even without some of the spices this article listed. It's one of those magical things where the whole is way more than just the sum of its parts.

I have never before heard of the Japanese frowning on careerism over personal happiness in any context — even sexual double standards.

Ve Germans aren't all smiles und sunshines.

I've seen each of those exactly once.

What, then, are we to make of a smash Broadway rap musical about one of the most elitist and anti-democratic founding fathers? On the surface, that sounds like a play intentionally made to be the worst thing ever on the stage — a "Springtine for Hitler" for the Obama age.

"Teamsters. So lazy."

Where do you stream it?

Any "Mount Rushmore of rap" needs to include Chuck D and rappin' animatronic Abe Lincoln.

It's like that video of magnetic goo enveloping and swallowing a cube of steel.

Apparently, Sebastian Bach recently published an instruction manual.

Y'know, since November 8, me neither.

How can there be 200 countries? It's not like another Soviet Union broke up recently.

It's what he called himself until college, or thereabouts. It's all part of his wrestling with his complicated ancestry and place in a racially and ethnically siloed America in the 20th century.

It'll somehow happen with Conan the Barbarian.

Jesus. Chelsea, if you're reading this: NO! Do not run for jack shit. For one thing, you may be just fine as a person, so hold on to that. Look at how politics has twisted and corrupted your parents. Avoid that fate!

Wow. I've really never known a woman who has given birth to children to use the term "motherfucker."

My biggest problem with Obama is that he seems to have meant all the bullshit about wanting bipartisan agreement on issues that he talked about in 2008. I wish he had come into office in 2009 with the willingness to grab some Congresscritters (several, at least nominally, in his own party) by the balls and tell them

My favorite part of this is "timestamp unknown." It adds an air of otherworldly or inter-dimensional mystery.

If this is the first in a series of Star Wars films in various genres, I want to see a Star Wars verosion of a raunchy, early-1980s, R-rated campus comedy.