Millennial Historian

That guy in the white uniform and cape looks like Brian Williams, so I'm glad that he most likely dies in this.

You do realize that using the "you do realize…right?" construction makes you sound like a condescending asshole, right?

This is the first mention of this term in the comments. Bunch of posers around here.

Like the Prophet Muhammad in Persian art?

It's hard out there for a talented but difficult actor.

There was a girl at my high school who looked just like Bach.

The irony was that Bobby got paralyzed not from a car crash, but from Alice beating him with her iron purse when she mistook him for a burglar!

I've seen the same vanishing act by the few Trumpkins on my Facebook feed. I wonder what's going on.

Who needs anything else?! Ruining the economy and making America less safe through reckless military action are plenty bad. Bush the Younger broke the United States, and it may be a Humpty Dumpty situation.

You cut that out, Buddy Hinton!

What I don't understand is that the (mercifully) few Trumpkins on my Facebook feed were really active for about three months before the election — and since November 8, I haven't heard a peep out of them. They all went to total online silence. I honestly don't know if they died from ecstasy, have been too shocked by

That's a really good point. I think if she had stayed away from cursing and using slurs like "f[redacted because the AV Club is only for the most delicate of eyes]," she could have singled this guy out on-air every day indefinitely. It's amazing just how vile and personal people can be on the radio, and we as a

You forgot the part about her running a child-sex-trafficking ring out of a DC pizzaria.

"[Even] I did not vote for trump (sic)." — Satan

That's 'cause you're a sore loser! Instead of protesting, you should get a job!

"I never said that." — Donald J. Trump

When I was in college, Barry Williams, who played Greg Brady, went on a speaking tour about his time on The Brady Bunch. I went to see him, and it was kinda fun. He seemed to have a good sense of humor about that period in his life. He had some really nice things to say about Robert Reed, who I think had died not too

C'mon, AV Clubbers! This deserves more than 2 likes!

Sounds like a line from the teaser of a horror movie.

I guess I'm in the minority in that I count that song among my top-10 for Dylan — maybe even top-3. I think it perfectly captures that whole shambling, railroad-rhythm, beatnik-hobo thing he was working on so much on his mid-1960s masterpieces. It just so happens that it's a rollicking road song, and not a song about