Millennial Historian

The "songs aren't literature" people will sound in 50 years like the people aghast at Dylan for going electric sound today: provincial, hidebound, and myopic.

I shudder to think what the French call "the Greek ear"!

Johnny: "Madonna is the head of the selection committee."

"…and I'll know my song well before I start singin'."

It's okay when the president is white. We called Bush-43 a chimp all the time and no one cared. I was fine with that, and I'm fine with whatever orangutan jokes we make about our orange soon-to-be president. You just can't make fun of black people by calling them apes. I guess some see it as a double-standard, but

Great apes, or greatest apes?

That's some incredible avatar/username/comment synergy.

I love the horses-on-the-beach thing at the beginning of this trailer for the way it evokes the ending of the 1968 movie.

For Harambe.

So much great stuff in this interview, I'll just echo everyone else's praise.

Where's the "Any" key?

People ask me, is there funk after death? I say, is seven up?


I love the catch-all "any number of conquistadors." I'm going to round out many troikas with that going forward.

Very clever. That was some igneous word-play!

I hope the Taco Bell Bell is one of the "likes" here.

I once heard a (non-Mexican, most probably non-Hispanic) person say that non-Mexicans really shouldn't be eating tacos because "it's literally cultural appropriation. I mean, you are taking part of a culture that isn't yours and literally making it a part of yourself through digestion."

Apparently, Alex Jones has denounced NPR as fake news — but that's a headline I saw somewhere on Facebook, so now I don't know what to believe!

As ChrisS said, the capitalists don't just want a lot of money; they want ALL OF THE MONEY.

The money is all imaginary, anyway. We just print it and say what it's worth.