Millennial Historian

"Real 'M'r'c'ns eat a burger with one hand, 'cuz their other hand is grippin' their pistol!" — Texas Trump voter with rising feelings of regret

They used to (maybe still do?) have a Frisco Burger that was something to be proud of — no snark!

Interestingly, Pope Francis just today warned against the "coprafagia" of false news stories.

My favorite part of that name is easily Dwayne.

Frankly, I'm all for automating the ordering process at fast food places. Why shouldn't I be able to use a touch screen to choose exactly what I want? (Yes, I just want the fucking burger, not the value meal!) And the use of pictures would eliminate most misunderstandings due to people not hearing well, not speaking

Gotta wedge politics into the story somehow, eh? Jeez, I come to this site for entertainment news and to escape the political stuff I have to read everywhere else.

Not really, unfortunately.

My favorite burn (hah!) was when someone on here talked about how great Atlanta is, and how it was smokin'; I said, "the best and most smokin' Atlanta ever was was when Sherman marched through. Those were the good old days."

That head Illinois Nazi! THAT'S who Jeff Sessions looks like! That's been bugging me for days.

I would have argued for Churchill. Warned against appeasing Hitler; actually got to help defeat Hitler; rallied a bedraggled and besieged nation with the right words at the absolute right time; coined the term "Iron Curtain"; and contributed to our culture the riposte about, yes, being drunk, but the accuser is

"All the best sperm is white." — someone, somewhere, surely

I think they prefer being called "cucks."

Well, the white supremacists do accept the presence of other races; they just have…plans for them.

Everyone should feel like a 19th-century cavalry officer while scrambling some eggs.

tl;dr: "Fuck 2016" because, internet — lol!!!1!!1!

There's still time!

Another interesting one in this vein (i.e., authors stepping in to destroy what others have done with their work) is Streets of Laredo, Larry McMurtry's follow up to Lonesome Dove. Lonesome Dove had been a wonderful novel that was made into a very, very good TV miniseries. But it had a sequel miniseries or two that

I caught some of the Mask of Zorro, of all things, recently. As ridiculous as it is on its face to have Hopkins as a Spanish-Mexican swordsman, I'll be damned if he doesn't make his scenes compelling.

Even when it won Best Picture, I thought it was overrated. The characters were good, and the performances stellar — but I never understood why it was lauded as such a masterpiece. I found it gripping and entertaining, but it didn't grab my heart or mind the way it did a lot of people.

But, he does get to her. He talks about sweaty groping in the back seats of cars until she finally gets all the way to the F B I. Starling chokes out a little, "You see a lot, Doctor." She's clearly been wounded. Then, she finally breaks down as she walks to her shit-box of a car.