Millennial Historian

It's like seeing your fourth grade teacher at the grocery store (when you're in fourth grade).

I must be a weirdo, because every time I've seen someone with a repaired cleft palate, I've thought they were rather cute.

Yes, because the other arm had finished it's long braising time and was ready to eat.

The way he says, "would I?" when recounting Lector offering him some kind of roofie is…I don't have a single word that fully describes the perfection of longing, regret, and lust that Oldman manages. He's so fucking awesome.

Watched "Revenge of the Nerds" for the first time in 30 years. It…did not hold up well. The weird thing, though, is that it might have held up better as at least a time-capsule if it had simply been made better in 1984. It was so cheap, so half-baked, so incomplete (several scenes of dialogue had such weird, empty

If he had kids, they'd be Porthtatos's tots!

How very European.

Is One Nation related at all tho the Midnight Oil song "One Country"? Those guys seem really unlikely to be in cahoots with any flavor of right-wingers, so I'm guessing it's a coincidence.

They still haven't — to my knowledge — addressed the biggest problem: whatever Proposition it was back in the 1970s that has ever since made raising property taxes basically impossible. Maybe they're still working on getting big enough majorities in Sacramento.

Does "jungle primary" have anything to do with "animal style" at In-and-Out?

Here's another form of Nazi emulation that makes no sense: neo-Nazi skinhead Slavs. Slovaks, Poles, etc. whose contemporary hatred of the Romany and Hungarians allows them to overlook the Nazi characterization of them as "untermenschen" and actual subjugation of their grandparents.

"In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."

He's even got the allegations of sexual abuse of a minor.

Do evangelicals acknowledge the Seven Deadly Sins? Sounds kinda papist, y'know.

"Aw, Trump don't mean whut he says literally. Sometimes he exaggerates a little. He don't really expect us to cancel our plans to firebomb that n[redacted to protect sensitive eyes]r church. So, keep filling those Molotov cocktails, Buford."

"Look, Jeebus said lots about the poor. He talked about them lots. Big-league. And everyone thinks he liked them, the poor. Y'know? Do you think he really liked these losers? I don't think so, folks. I don't think so. He basically called them failures and criminals. Like a bunch of illegal aliens, trying to sneak into

Conservative thinking: people who can't make it to the polls in-person on a specific day because they're working two jobs are lazy.

At one point after leaving office and awaiting a transplant, Dick Cheney literally had no heart.

This is too disgusting even for a "you might be accurate" upvote.
