Millennial Historian

I never liked the heading on that joke. It looked like the corporate masters stepped in and forced that on them. I would have lobbied for just saying "#1 with racists," or not doing the joke at all. 'Cause Fox News-Flavored Product is often pretty racist.

"If the president does it, it's legal." — Dubya

I'm still waiting on Airplane! III.

Here's the thing about Toy Story 3: Pixar had made the characters so compelling, and had deftly tugged at the heartstrings so much in this series and other films, that when they were in the furnace, toward the end, I totally thought they were going to die. I got sucked in, totally, completely, and credulously.

A year is far too long!

"Weddings are a great place to grab women by the pussy — you don't even ask. If you're a star, they let you do it!"

I think he would make a fine Bond. Especially if he were 10-15 years younger.

Dentists, though…

Have you seen how America treats its minorities? It's really bad!

The bigger and more bewildering false-equivalence is the one the Congressional Republicans and Fox News-Flavored Product have pushed for 8 miserable years that Obama is, somehow, as bad as Bush the Younger. From the moment McCain lost, they worked hard to obliterate Dubya's memory by talking about Obama as being the

Trump did better with Hispanics, percentage-wise, than Romney. I had no idea there were that many Cuban-Americans.

Is your first sentence missing a "not" after "did"?

@Thomas R: I don't always agree with you, but you are always very thoughtful in your opinions and responses.

Psychoanalysis brings everything back to poop, eventually.

Now you've got me thinking Trump is going to rename a month after himself. Probably after he makes himself dictator for life, somehow.

Jewell of Denial

Great head of hair on that one!

It's a rehearsal. Getting the outrage pathways established. More and bigger is on the way.

Fall of the Berlin Wall! Tienanmen Square massacre! The First Gulf War! Invading Panama and seizing the country's president! Puking on Japanese diplomats during a state dinner!

Good for you.