Millennial Historian


"Issue one: Gwen Ifill will have a permanent heavenly seat on this panel, should she want to join us. Pat Buchanon?"

In 2002, I was in someone's office who had a Bush-Quayle '92 bumper sticker up on his bulletin board. I thought, "Who the fuck is a Bush-41 true-believer? What a loser."

This is some unexpected slash fiction.

"Canals, ports, and a road across the Appalachain Mountains! We must secure our western holdings against Imperial Spain by extending free soil across the Mississippi!"

Y'know, there's a good dipping sauce to be made with whiskey, maple syrup, and butter.

Health care costs continue to rise, despite the cruelly named Affordable Care Act. In a just world, this would lead the US to finally say, "Enough with this bullshit; single-payer, today!" But, in our world, it could still lead to bankruptcies, home foreclosures, etc. This could be the source of the next recession.

I'm really going to be interested in the exit polling, because I want to see how many people under age 50 vote for Trump. It will either be reassuringly small, or depressingly large (anything over 25%, as far as I'm concerned).

That candidate would be Bernie Sanders. Then again, I'm Catholic, meaning that what a person does matters at least as much as what he or she says, professes, or claims. Lots of people can call themselves Christians, but the only candidate in the race who had any credibility at all in addressing the problems of poor

Her mother was a tractor, and her father was a cement plant.

"Slim, if this bag has the diamonds, where's the bag with our stash?"

We prefer pieces of eight.

He'll see the big board!

They split into east-coast and west-coast factions after a series of devastating diss tracks between Yitzhak Rabin and Benjamin Netanyahu back in the mid-1990s.

In my day (the 1980s), they told us to stay away from drugs, but did not give us the consolation of naked hugs, since we were also warned off of sex due to fear of AIDS and teenage pregnancy.

They've probably got coked-up galley slaves rowing the fucking thing.

Now I'm imagining Day of the Jackal taking place in a pizza parlor.

I just read Clive Cussler's first Dirk Pitt novel, _The Mediterranean Caper_, and this was exactly the plot! Except it was transatlantic, and involved a refurbished U-boat. The book was written in the early 1970s!

So…all lives do matter?

"If demand for that road is so high, the free market will dictate where, when, and for what cost it gets built."