Millennial Historian

"Fewer judges and diplomats means less gubmint! These guys are doing what we want!"

I know a Chilean who speaks impeccable English, but his accent sounds Italian!

I'm not gonna lie: I am very interested in hearing such a thing!

The AV Club and/or Disqus should take note.

They're all alike, aren't they?

Trump is arguably losing ONLY because he is so undisciplined. Put his attitudes and goals in the hands of someone who can form them into a coherent message and consistently stay on that message — well, that motherfucker will win and start setting up camps.

"Militia" should really be in quotation marks, there.

Legacy act, unfortunately. Been that way for 35 years.

I'm so sick of white people. Those of us of European ancestry need to disaggregate into ethnic identities, like Irish, Italian, Polish, etc. and just stop calling ourselves and thinking of ourselves as "white." The sooner we're not in the majority anymore, the better.

The people who attacked us on 9/11 were in Afghanistan. We went in there to root them out — for the first few months, at least. Then Bush, Cheney, & Co. started thinking about going into Iraq for shits and giggles while the job wasn't yet finished in Afghanistan.

Or you could grow a pair and display leadership, which of course is what you were elected to do (not to get rich through corruption and becoming a lobbyist after leaving office).

If we ever get a time machine, I'll take you back to the winter of 2002-03 and show you a whole shit load of people who were saying that invading Iraq was stupid, ruinous, evil, and reckless. None of them were in elected office or the national media, though, so their voices didn't matter. That's why we get so angry

I think he's 11 now!

Smart can help you figure out what is right and wrong.

We're coming for you. That's why Trump wants to repeal NAFTA.

I would say the same thing goes for around here…

A great night for the Cubs. And typical of them through the decades, the game even involved them blowing an early lead!

Peter Cetera can't really afford to take Uber these days….

…and thus sounded authentically Scottish!

"Don't worry. That guys tolerance is so yuge, he can chug a fifth of whiskey and not get buzzed."