Millennial Historian

Not anymore. The students tore it down when the Buffs beat Iowa State one year. It was their biggest win since losing by only one touchdown to Kansas.

"Pull out a $20 bill"?! In this economy?!

Syria. We'll always have Syria.

Yes. The curse was about winning the pennant.

Come on! This needs ALL the likes!

You went to the South to escape irrational Hillary-hate? That's an odd strategy.

"Prayer in public schools is nothing but a big-government takeover of religion!"

She needs to be working harder to get people elected down-ballot right now. And for the next two years, she should be bringing up the mealy-mouthed non-repudiation-of-Trump by the likes of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Tar them with the Trump brush. Shame them into supporting some of her policies in the hopes that

"Terrible idea, this voting by mail. Terrible idea. You send someone a ballot, who knows who's filling it out! Could be they give it their kid to fill out. Maybe 'cause the kid reads English, but the adult doesn't. [crowd boos] Illegal immigration, am I right, folks? [crowd cheers and chants "Build a wall!"] That's

Trump will lose badly (bigly?), but that will be in the electoral college. He will get between 50 and 60 million votes. Some among those are the brown shirts ready for the next Republican candidate who spews racist, xenophobic hate, but who is disciplined. That's what keeps me up at night.

My experience has been that the Trump signs are all out in the countryside, while the city yards are festooned with Democratic down-ballot names (no Clin-Ton signs).

I wish idiots couldn't vote, but I don't know what kind of barrier we could put up to exclude stupid people that wouldn't get hijacked by the Republicans to instead exclude racial minorities. Given our history, I guess it's better to let as many people as possible vote, and trust that most of the stupid ones will not

Forty-three individuals have been president of these United States. Exactly TWO of them have not fit this model: white, rich, Protestant, and male. So far, only one of them was allowed to serve a full 4-year term.

I love her, too, but I say no to any more presidential dynasties.

"I have to admit, since going vegan, I haven't had the strength to chase tail like I once did." — Bill Clin-Ton

He passed "thinner" a long time ago. He's in Skeletor territory these days.

Take that shit to the Jack Chick obituary.

You know who Kimmel fawned over? David Letterman. I can't imagine Fallon even knows who Letterman is.

You fool! You've now given them your secret identity!

I think that day is coming. Demographically, it's the only way white people who are concerned about remaining in the majority can keep that status.