Millennial Historian

Have a stand-in hold his cape in front of his nose and mouth!

EGOTs all over the place!

Laurence Fishburn?

"Battered," as in dipped in flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs, the fried? Three-pee-o! That's not an oil bath!!!

There's a lot to all your reasoning. Same reason you're not likely to see an American secretary-general of the UN or leadership of other international organizations.

Hmmm. I would really kind of like to see a movie with Craig Robinson as the pope.

The fact that Tebow was one of the most exciting college football players in our lifetimes but couldn't find a spot as an NFL QB is the best indicator I can point to in explaining how the two levels of football are almost different games. I prefer a physical running game, so college offers me way more teams to be

All along, Peanuts was a grim allegory about child labor and exploitation.

So…just a hippie?

Shit, if Charlie Brown got fired, how bad was it for Franklin?!

This is brilliant. Starting with the line about warehouse fights, the rest of this review outlines how a movie like this could be made in the style and spirit of Police Squad!

Wait — people view Idiocracy unfavorably these days? Why? Because they think it treats the stupidity of the American electorate too gently? Because its prediction of 500 years being necessary for complete degeneration of society turned out to be laughably too long?

Yep. Bigly.

Serious filmmaking/photography/cultural question: was sepia already being used to evoke nostalgia in 1939? I mean, we saw lots of sepia in 1970s movies that were looking back on the 1920s and 1930s; but was the Wizard of Oz already doing that in the nostalgic Kansas sequences? Why not straight black-and-white?

"Forty-seven percent of you deadbeat losers don't pay any federal income taxes, and I'll never convince you how reducing taxes on rich-as-Croesus guys like me is a great idea because it allows guys like me to hoard way more money." — Mitt Romney

Wait, that one of Luke at Emily's house is real?

He gets off on withholding. And edging.

I was more focused on his sideburns, and how he was going to do something about them.

Donald Trump scours Lou Dobbs's Twitter feed for Joan Baez's home address.

The young Han Solo movie just sounds like a terrible idea.