Millennial Historian

So, meth.

"[pffft] You ain't no real Cajun, and them idjuts on the YouTubes ain't neither, if they ain't got no more sense'n'ta deep-fry a turkey right. Ain't nuthin' to it! People's too busy with their Pokemons and Twitters, don't learn a thing about common sense an' th' real world. Thanks, Obama."

Just like SABRmetrics! I knew it!

Wait, I was just getting caught up on how we need to see less of Margot Robbie in movies, and now we've moved on to talk about a character played my a male actor? Typical.

I remember Rocky II as being in the same spirit as the first one. But Rocky III is definitely cartoon territory.

That's precisely why the sheriff wanted him to GTFO of town.

Funniest thing I ever heard about Kentucky was that a friend of mine from Tennessee calls his aunt who grew up in Kentucky a "Yankee."

I remember a review of him in Death of a Salesman that said his size made him so compelling in the role, because it reinforced the idea that Willy Loman was going to crash, and crash HARD.

"Less thinking or ambiguity or nuance — yeah! USA! USA! USA!"

[shoots AK-47 in the air to celebrate; attracts notice of attack drone]

Here's what makes this movie better than its first sequel (I haven't seen part III): it has a conservative point of view about Vietnam and its aftermath; and even though I disagree with some of its interpretations of what the war meant, I can at least see where it's coming from and I don't think it's stupid for

My God, your opening sentence applies so well to both our wars in Iraq, too. Along with Vietnam, I think the reasons why we were fighting had to be better understood. Of course, if they were, even fewer people would have been willing to go kill and die in far-off lands. At least in World War II, American combatants

Weren't the POWs used as slave labor in Part II? I don't remember that movie well, apart from that awesome sequence of Rambo being the silent, invisible killing machine (he literally emerges from a wall of mud to kill one guy!).

Good God, your last line there sounds like if Dr Seuss and Bob Dylan collaborated on a song.

Seems as if I've heard this line of argument used in a different context…

I will remind everyone that there is an Australian there, too. In the World Cup of Drinking, those two countries get automatic berths. So do the Nordic countries. Christ, I watched a Danish friend drink a case of beer at a wedding and ask, with absolutely no evidence of any effect, if there was any more. (No. No there

Well, I'm sure a lawyer advised him not to say anything at all, but if he felt compelled to say something in order to clear the air and continue working, that lawyer surely advised him not to confirm that an assault had happened, and certainly not to apologize for it, and above all else, not to admit he did it.

I guess I went the other way because a roundhouse out of nowhere is comic (when you're not the one getting kicked!), while the shin-kicking is definitely more childish and pathetic. Also because I can't imagine anyone pressing charges over a shin-kick. But, now that you've brought it up, I have to admit the shin-kick

That's a Miscavige of Justice!

Do you criminal mind if I borrow your sweater?