Millennial Historian

"Wait, I thought you were blind?!"


Hawaii needs all the vowels, so it takes them.

It has the oblique reference right off the bat (sorry) with the family leaving the movie theater and getting mugged, only to be saved by Batman. Very cool. And you're right: it proves that you can make a good Batman movie without immediately showing his origins. Besides, I find Batman stories more compelling when the

But what this movie proposes is, "Why?"

And, Lordy, how they used to smoke!

…and you might begin to understand why gay men back then didn't always want to come out of the closet, and why straight men didn't want to be mistaken as gay?

I thought that's what he was doing in his Bond movies!

I'm going to refer to the 2016 film as "the never version" from now on!

CGI will result in at least three crew deaths.

I vascilate on whether or not I like Anne Hathaway. Maybe I like her? I don't know. But I think I've finally figured out what's odd about her face to me: she looks like Andy Samberg's beautiful sister.

Comment/username synergy off the charts!

Next you'll be looking for a Wabortion.

Have you read Motel of the Mysteries? It imagines what future archaeologists would make of a late-20th-century motel room if it were somehow preserved, Pompeii-style. It's pretty hilarious. I think about that sort of thing when I contemplate modern sports arenas and the incessant, omnipresent advertising in our lives.

They didn't ask, they just took! [fans self]

I gave up on humanity when I began hearing even intelligent people — people who know how to use commas correctly! — using "waitress" as a verb.

Yeah, a Whopper between two 7-layer burritos is a Whoppersadilla.

"How dare this Muslim play a concert in New York, site of the 9/11 attacks by Muslims, so soon after the 15th anniversary of 9/11?!?!"

With a big side of "worthless."

No shit. Remember, just about every Republican ran this year — 17 of them at one point! Trump emerged as the preference in that field that presented plenty of well-funded alternatives.