Millennial Historian

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I love reading your last sentence as if "Deadwood" and "The Sopranos" are verbs.

Best series finales, in alphabetical order ('cause I have them in a three-way tie):

It's got a style, mood, and attitude that were far more important than the plot, or even rich character development. I've often said that The Terminator never would have existed if not for Escape from New York. Lots of the Scott Glenn/FBI moments in Silence of the Lambs remind me of EFNY, too.

This is excellent, and it explains why the good Bond films are adventure movies, while the bad ones are usually trying to be something else.

Yeah, made up — by God Almighty! He handed those Ten Commandments to Moses written into stone tablets in 17th-century English! And Moses totally called the Israelites "libtards" when they complained about there being no food in the desert and then the manna rained down from heaven.

So, when does he arrive in Chicago if your father arrives in New York 3 hours later than twice the estimated elapsed time of travel to Stars Hollow?

"Some, I assume, are good people…"

I'd say, not as quickly. Her clear pro-big-business leanings are a bug reason why the "Never Trump" folks are resigned to and somewhat satisfied with the prospect of a Hillary Clin-Ton presidency.

I'll hold my nose and vote for Clin-Ton in November, just to keep Trump out of the presidency. Then, once she's been elected, I'll begin looking for a liberal challenger to her in the 2020 primaries to support. I don't want to have to vote for her again in four years.

Sideshow Bob's estimation of Republican voters was pretty spot-on — and even the "lower taxes" part of it is pretty ancillary, since so much of the Republican base is among Mitt Romney's despised 47% of Americans with low enough earnings that they don't owe any federal income tax.

Nebraska and Maine have split electoral votes, so a candidate could win an electoral vote or two without carrying any entire state. Perot supporters held out hope for this novelty in 1992.

Nebraska and Maine have divided electoral votes, meaning a marginal candidate could still manage to win an electoral vote or two without carrying an entire state. There was

"And some, I assume, are good people…"

They got a lot of goodwill from me when I first heard about them: on the streets of Ferguson, two years ago.

"Some, I assume, are good people…"

Is your brother-in-law's 12-year-old son black?

Stagecraft is not exactly the Democrats' strength. Donna Brazile is now the top dog in the Party machinery. She was previously top dog on Al Gore's 2000 campaign. Remember "The Kiss" at his convention? More like "The Cringe."

Ham is gender-neutral, so it's the preferred usage for an inclusive bathroom. Sausage is very gendered in our society, since it usually comes in either a phallic link or a patty, which is associated with a female name.

I imagined this as a line from a French New Wave film, and I chuckled.