Millennial Historian

Other stats that tell a story: rates of teenage pregnancy; rates of illiteracy; rates of infection of preventable disease (esp. sexually transmitted ones and those that are typified by overcrowding and poor hygiene); date of most recent extra-judicial public execution (a.k.a., lynching); rates of violent crime; state

No. Apparently I watched it in 2008.

Radio? The Civil War is over, Grandpa!

The Living Tribunal isn't the Beer Baron, but he sounds drunk. Take him in!

Thank God he never got to make a toast at that wedding reception.

Great Boos Up is one of those bounders!

I'm sure it's spelled "kvorka."

White privilege.

In time, all restaurants close, even the most successful. Look at Lucinius's in Rome. That family ran a great olive-oil-and-bread joint for many generations. But when the Visigoths came — well, they just didn't pay for their food, did they? The place had to shut down.

You know as well as I do that they won't go after all 100 trillion; they'll go after a select few in the succulent upper-middle class to make an example of. Real rich people can afford enough fancy law-talkin' guys to drag the case in long enough to make it hurt for everyone. Poor people get shitty law-talkin' guys

Yes, this has been happening to me off and on for a couple of weeks. I've hated Disqus from day one, but even Disqus has never sucked so consistently for so long before.

Hate-watching seems unsustainable to me. The longest I could do it was about six months listening to Bill O'Reilly's radio show in my car during my lunch break. Once the weather got nice, I was happy to sit in the park during that time instead.

I do like going the other way with that by deploying a non sequitur. For example, "I'm not a racist, but this kettle corn is delicious!"

This long, tube-shaped sandwich is the hoagie we deserve, not necessarily the one we need.

How many people below the age of 30 even know Takei played the part of Sulu? They know him as their lovable "Uncle George" on Facebook who was hell-bent on putting together a musical.

Maybe he thought it was the U2 song titled "One." It's much more uplifting!

No, that stuff establishes the line above which you don't get your kids taken away from you. If you want to be a good parent, you have to show love to the child. Hugs and kisses cost $0.00.

Pretty much everywhere.

Whitfield Crane should only be the name of a Mayflower descendent who goes to Dartmouth and wears nothing but Oxford cloth button-down shirts, khakis, and docksider shoes with no socks.