Millennial Historian

No job is worth sacrificing your health or your family's health — and all members of the family knowing each other well enough to love and thoroughly irritate each other is a huge part of family health.

So, when you write your song, does the daughter break her leg on the edge of the tramampoline, or does the father collide with her mid-air, resulting in her having a traumatic brain injury?

Nick Offerman is only 32 years old!

This was always my position on it. The LAPD got so much of the damning evidence illegally that the case probably shouldn't have even gone to trial due to lack of admissible evidence. It was always a Fourth Amendment case to me.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but are you saying that if someone is pointing a gun at me, I would not be justified in shooting him first if I were able to? That that would not be justifiable self-defense?

My conservative friends on Facebook are fond of posting memes about how keeping and bearing arms keeps us free. One particularly tasteless one showed a picture of Jews being forced onto trains by the SS with text along the lines of, "The Second Amendment keeps us free. Because an armed populace can't be herded onto

I actually plan on going to my US Rep's public meetings this fall and asking him what, exactly, he's doing in Washington to stop gun violence: whether it's cops killing innocent people (mostly black men); crazy people unloading an AR-15 at a movie theater, club, school, office xmas party, etc.; or all the gun deaths

This reminds me of my conservative friends on Facebook who have been posting nonstop a bunch of memes about Hillary Clin-Ton not getting indicted. My favorite was one that was devoid of all context which defined "tyranny" as a state in which that which is illegal for the public is permissible for the rulers. I thought

I realized c. was right with Eric Garner. That cop was on film straight-up strangling Garner, and the cop didn't even get indicted.


Best thing ever said about Berlusconi came from Irish comedian Dylan Moran (who really deserves to be more famous than he is): "Sylvio Berlusconi — a man so crooked he sleeps on a spiral staircase; a man so thoroughly corrupt that every time he smiles, an angel gets gonorrhea."

Just a few weeks ago, I remarked that Wiesel was likely to live forever, simply because God wanted to avoid having to answer some very difficult and pointed questions from him.

Liked for "squot"!

Amazing comment-avatar synergy!

You used to see Catholic priests and nuns at anti-abortion rallies more often — but, like, back in the 1980s. I think they backed away because the movement was getting too violent (abortionists getting assassinated, clinics bring bombed, etc.), and because it got so starkly partisan politically. The Church likes to

All that sedentary stuff is exactly why Klingons are always going on about their fucking warrior culture. They're compensating. They feel emasculated by the technical requirements of space conquest, and so they overreact in the opposite direction with loud and obnoxious bellicosity. They're the space version of those

That parsec thing is a simple one: just convert everything to Danzigs, the universal unit of measurement.

I thought that was Laurence Fishburne.

It really needed Johnny Depp with a bird on his head.

"Yes, that slaver deserved to die, and I hope he burns in hell!"