Millennial Historian

"People on this planet have had enough of experts! So sit down and shut up, Jor-El." — Kryptonian Michael Gove, ironically of the Remain faction

Awesome remark about "cast"!

The cash-register sound effects going off in his mind for Titanic and Avatar drown out any contrary message.

Perversely, I've seen the Phantom Menace most often. I think I watched it the third and fourth times (not in the theater) to try to find something besides the light saber three-way that would redeem it. I did not find anything.

Kylo Ren made me laugh with his adolescent outbursts. We even get clued in early that he's no Darth Vader by Poe being a smart-ass to him (contrast that with the first time we see Vader: entering Leia's ship all in black, then choking someone while holding him a foot off the ground, then tossing him across the room

Wow. I haven't read it, but the stuff you've cited sound like Jesse Pinkman and Guy Fieri had a kid who talks like the Hulk — probably because of all the donkey sauce they consumed with their meth.

Slave I is an elephant's head!

I guess it'll look better on film? It must, because in those photos, it looks like a kid's Halloween costume (the oversized backpack completes the look of a ten-year-old on his way to school on Halloween).


Okay, now I kind of want an unexpectedly defensive, doth-protest-too-much-about-not-being-either-gay-or-homophobic superhero gimmick account.

Oh, reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy, cousin Merle!

Faux Superior?! How dare you?! I assure you, any superiority I enjoy over Trump supporters — in intellect, morals, ethics, looks, what have you — is the genuine article!

I say it was all worth it to see the momentary look of terror on Jay-Z's face when Kanye wandered on stage during Beck's award acceptance a couple of years ago.

It's been…look, 2016 has been a hell of a year, and were only halfway through! A lots been happening. Some stories are going to get lost in the avalanche.

And that's at the top of my list of greviences!

That's just a distraction from his obsession with Beyoncé. People tend to forget that part of it — in part because the rest of the world is pretty obsessed with Beyoncé.

I hate to burst your bubble, but they have full-body molds of all of us. They sneak in when we're asleep and make the cast. And there's not a thing we can do about it.

"I got a lot of problems with you people, and you're gonna hear 'em!"

Or one: Anthony Kennedy.

I hope this year isn't when Millennials decide to go stupid in the voting booth en masse, like so many Gen-Xers did in 2000. The baby boomers doing it with Perot in 1992 was probably alright, since Clin-Ton was probably better than more Bush.