Millennial Historian

The individuals you know may have an irrational hatred of the Clin-Tons, and various strains of irrational hatred of them has been on display on the right for a quarter-century now. But there are plenty of perfectly rational reasons for people not to like Hillary Clin-Ton, especially on the left.

Eh, once. In 2004. That travesty of a free and fair election in 2000 doesn't count as electing him. He was forced upon us by the Supreme Court.

It's just this confusing hodge-podge of rules that motivated Britain to leave the EU!

But on Netflix, they can show all the tits and gore when Paris goes on her nude shooting spree.

Kind of like that British guy who said that British voters were tired of hearing from experts, I'm glad that Trump's candidacy is honestly laying out the narrow-minded, shallow, and proudly ill-informed viewpoint of an entire chunk of the electorate who seem to be motivated mostly by their hatred of modernity, which

Way ahead of you: we elected George W. Bush as president.

That's an honest hunger, the kind you get after a hard day of felling trees and shoeing horses. It's a hunger too few of us feel anymore. Ours is too often the hunger of boredom, anxiety, or despair. But you work yourself into a good, honest hunger, and it feels different. It feels good. It feels like you're alive.

Especially at a gas station in Topeka, KS.

And yet, the AV Club on an iPhone is a recipe for madness!

Bolt Manly.

Henry Rollins. They would look like Henry Rollins.

It is so fucking hot here today that I'm basically lying naked in bed myself. No one wants to film me, though.

Known in the Midwest as Steak & Shaq

We're all about Ghostbusters now.

I doubt you have to look too far to find a Trump voter who disapproves.