Millennial Historian

Cricket! Lol!

I used to have a real supercilious attitude toward fans of teams with gauche corporate-named stadia; then I remembered that I was a Cubs fan.

"interesting to watch" — perhaps the biggest understatement I've heard in three years.

That is a very descriptive and useful term: "comprehensively racist."

I can think of some places you're describing that would be even more convenient to mass transit than this proposal. One of my big gripes about the CTA is how difficult they make it to get to the museum campus/Soldiers Field.

You're telling me that George fucking Lucas couldn't scrape together enough money to buy some land in San Franfuckingcisco? Who did he get into a bidding war with? Paul McCartney? Bill Gates? Warren Buffett?

I know it's only been 27 minutes, but how the hell am I the first person to like this? This comment is brilliant! Twenty internets for you, Grimm!

Now that you mention it, "George Lucas" does sound like the name of a mid-20th-century football player. Pronounce it "loo-KAHSH," and it sounds even better.

If the Brexit inadvertently and indirectly led to the unification of Ireland, I don't even know how I would describe that. "Unintended consequences" sounds far too minor.

How do you see the chances of Northern Ireland going independent, like Scotland tried? I don't mean splitting from the UK just to unify with the Republuc. I mean establishing a separate, independent nation of Northern Ireland (which might want to get into the EU).

It's not just 2016 — this feeling of being at the end of a major historical cycle has been brewing for several years.
China getting aggressive against Vietnam and other neighbors.
Russia invading Georgia and Ukraine.
Austerity in response to the Great Recession, to the benefit of the very people who caused the problem

We're all descended from Africans. eh? You just gave Abagail Fisher an idea for a different angle.

I'm not so sure that Northern Ireland would so automatically join with the Republic. They have had some — ahem — disagreement about that very issue in the past.

Same with me. I thought the Scottish independence referendum in 2014 was absurd. Now, though, they have a specific reason for it. Should have waited.

That's some old-school racism: white, Anglo-Saxons/Normans hatin' on Poles. Of course, they've been insisting that the Irish are subhuman for a thousand years…

I pity the Starfleet HR committee in charge of drafting a bathroom policy that is both fair and maintains the dignity and modesty of all.

Because mass shootings are just part of American pop culture now, and we take a bemused interest in foreign knock-offs.

Somewhere, an American is grumbling, "Worthless Germans. An American gunman would have at least used real bullets. This kind of soft, P.C. bullshit is what those libbruls want to turn this country into! By God, we need to Make America Great Again, and keep our lunatics armed and dangerous!"

Say that to Wayne LaPierre, and watch him come in his pants.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. I've heard it both ways: the plural of "anecdote" [is / is not] "data." Obviously two anecdotes don't likely constitute a representative data set; but 2,000 would be way more than is needed for a scientific sample. At some point, enough anecdotes do constitute a set of data. I