Millennial Historian

They have been asking for it for a while now.

This was one of the big points if Bowling for Columbine. Moore contrasted US gun-ownership with Canadian gun-ownership and found that the Canadians had plenty of guns, too, but they didn't want to stroke them in public, use them to solve every problem, etc. He summed it up with the quip, "Guns don't kill people;

I have it on good authority that Nicolas Cage won an Academy Award for Best Actor.

If you want a bit less guilt, try some cottage cheese with some sunflower seeds and paprika (or even chili powder) added!

God day-yum! You got that right. Sometime in the spring, new people moved in across the alley from me, and when it was windows-open weather, I heard some fucking hillbilly drama going on over there at least once a week. I want to make clear that they were arguing on their property, I was in my house, and there was

They look like the Tauntaun Han sliced open to stick Luke into.

Chicago is McDonald's's home turf. Popular sentiment can work to keep their competitors at bay. It's kind of like how Wal*Mart and Target had a hell of a time getting established there, because of Sears.

…but that's none of my business.

"Will to be just as amazing…"? Sounds like cyborg-talk to me!


Hang on — has Tom Brady really come out and endorsed Trump?

Sounds kind of cool and creepy. I'm too timid to watch something like this, though, so I'll try to find a good recap.

I love Poussey!

He literally gets chased by a cold front!

What happened to you, Iceland? You used to be fucking Vikings, man!

I will gladly defend The Day After Tomorrow as some of the most gloriously fun stupid entertainment I've ever seen.

"I'm gonna build a wall. A big, fine, bonnie wall. And we'll make the English pay for it!" — Some Scottish Donald Trump

Aw, I feel sorry for poor little Brexit.

Thanks, but the preferred adjectival form is "Millennical Historial" — and, of course, you'll need to render that in 26 other official languages.

Read it again, sport. I was making an analogy about how economic prosperity tends to help quell conflicts. Besides, I explicitly refer to the Troubles as an exception to the generalized European peace.