Millennial Historian

Fair enough.

My advice is to let a Wookiee use whatever bathroom it damn well pleases without any inspection or harassment. Arms out of sockets, and all that.

Well, hers was more of a hybrid human-Wookie expression, so, y'know, calibrate your sensors appropriately.

"Brexit" sounds to me like a very-high-fiber cereal.

There's a good point there about France and Germany using the EU to dominate smaller powers, but I've got to think that Britain isn't pushed around by that stuff nearly as much as, say, Greece and Portugal are. I would think that line of reasoning would better justify the Grexit (Greek exit) we were hearing about last

Extra credit for "anectdata."

This is an amazingly important point, and it also springs up in how important it is for Europe to get the debt and refugee crises right. Most people don't remember Europe before 1945, but it had been a blood-soaked war-zone pretty much at least once every generation since the third or fourth century CE. The fact that

I can't call to mind any specifics now, but I've heard Cleese give pretty clearly right-of-center views on economic and foreign policy over the years. Not like a nut-case, or anything, but it probably sounds more surprising to hear it from someone in show business. Kind of like when when you hear a Hollywood actor say

Wow, you just described the US presidential election. At least the Brits will be done with their thing after this week; we have to endure a long, hot summer and most of fall with Trump and Clin-Ton.

First I would wonder why we were down to 7 justices instead of 9, and would see that as a disturbing indicator of other, probably more consequential, changes for the worse in our constitutional system. In other words, I don't think your analogy works.

I don't follow. Doesn't the Magna Carta signal the devolution of rights from the crown to lesser nobles? Here in the US, we look to that as one of the important first steps in weakening the monarchy and developing our modern democracy. But look at how we're abusing that democracy: two absolute crooks who barely hide

I've heard some rumblings that Scottish independence advocates see an opening with this Brexit nonsense. Apparently, they claim that Britain leaving the EU would be such a drastic step done without Scottish consent that it would justify seceding from the UK. I have heard nothing about whether they want an independent

In that case, they should sell the IP and use the cash to buy lottery tickets.

I think so. And Elizabeth Shue with some kind of respiratory problem? I remember the Saint stabs himself in the forehead to make her think he got hurt while drunk, or something. I dunno. Not the best or most memorable film.

Is this a golf joke?

That's not how I remember it.

Well, unless the recordings feature the sounds of sexual assault occurring, I would suggest you listen to the music if you like it. I'm not going to stop listening to songs Phil Spector was involved in just because he's a killer. I'm not going to eschew Jerry Lee Lewis or Chuck Berry sings, either, even though they

Cargo-cult deification is real!

Grunge and gangsta were the two hegemonic heavyweights that ran roughshod over a brief time of surprising artistic variety in mainstream commercial music.

Holy shit! This made me laugh so hard and loud that my family came running in here thinking if hurt myself!