Millennial Historian

Everything about this fried-chicken talk is making me hungry and horny.

The "Got Milk?" campaign got translated into a French phrase that meant, "Let it dribble down your chin."

I thought Nostradamus was more cryptic in his predictions.

No one whispers in Japanese, do they?

"If it pleases the court, since the plaintiff objects to our translated slogan about licking fingers, we would invite the plaintiff to lick a different body part."

The religious-right in the US should be incensed that an American company is exporting this war on Christmas. I'm waiting for their boycot of KFC for not using their corporate clout to proselytize in Japan.

That's a time-honored New Orleans tradition called a l'agniappe! It means "a little extra."

I'm liking the new ribald Scrawler!

"Which begs the question…"

Basically, a network executive wants to fuck this young man.

Patty is pleased. Selma? Eh. [shrugs]

Not me. Never done it; not gonna start now.

Rebooting the reboot is a rebootable offense!

The more I learn about WWI, the more horrible the human condition seems.

I heard someone on the radio recently pronounce "epitome" as "e-pi-tōm." It was kind of cute.


I've been a Catholic for 42 years, and have never heard marijuana use, per se, described as a sin.

It's amazing how easily I can hear his voice when I imagine the utterance, "I never said that."

Didn't Wump Trinfrey host Tic-Tac Dough back in the early-1980s?

So it's