Millennial Historian

Not necessarily. Bill Clin-Ton picked a running-mate who essentially doubled-down on the brand he was promoting (baby boomer, not liberal, "new South," jogger). It turned out to be a really good pick, because I'm sure Gore would have been more of an opponent of Clin-Ton in the Senate, especially once the sex

I always have the success of Roseanne (the sitcom) linked in my mind with the first couple of seasons of the Simpsons (with its greater attention to Homer's job) and the last time Notre Dame was actually winning national championships. This tableau serves in my mind as an obituary for the Midwestern American working

I can see the headline on Yahoo! Need now:
"Have Millennials Taken Selfies Too Far?
Young Re-Enactors Criticized For Re-Creating JFK Assassination in Dealy Plaza"

"Crooked" is fine. It describes the Clin-Tons well, and any supposed Watergate-era sound to it just helpfully reinforces how much Hillary Clin-Ton is an echo of Nixon. But, like "Lyin' Ted" before it, the moniker fails only because it so perfectly describes Trump himself! Cf. Dubya impugning John Kerry's war record.

That's a lot of hyphens.

Of course we should prefer that they leave it up and own up to it, instead of throwing it down the Memory Hole and whistling as they walk away, as if nothing ever happened.

Can you believe some of these people want a country in which no one gets gunned down somewhere? Jesus, what kind of world would that be?

"'Gimme five bees for a quarter,' we'd say."

Well, this guy's stuff is glorious:

"No, no, no. If you stick your gun barrel up my ass, it's not gay!"

Is there a famous phrase from James that I'm not calling to mind here?

And none of that "onerous regulation" stops anyone from buying a car! It's hardly even a speed bump in the process! Buying a car, even in your example, is still extremely easy! Responsible gun owners have nothing to fear!

Everyone everywhere is always talking endlessly about banning all guns forevermore.

Not necessarily. I think some gun-nutz would welcome more armed black people, just to have the excuse to start shooting. Zimmerman provided the template for their defense at trial.


Dime novels — but yer point is taken. [spits t'backy juice]

"Hey, I didn't get a harrumph outta that guy!"

Maybe it's because Facebook is feeling heat for some anti-conservative-news bias in their feed, so they're steering clear of this issue altogether, since it touches on at least three major political hot-buttons?

I like Robert Reich's formulation: Hillary Clin-Ton is about the perfect candidate for the status quo; so if the economy, medical system, educational system, military-industrial complex, and passive-aggressive foreign policy are working really swell for you, she's obviously your choice.

Which is really hard to believe, since the pig's vagina and äss are on the complete opposite end.