Millennial Historian

When you consider how hot-dog-y his exposed skin is, what do you imagine his trouser sausage looks like?

Around my house, we long ago gave up trying to say the name of that show the way it is written. We consider "Law & Order: SUV" to be the proper and correct name.

"Kyle Smith" is so obviously a lazy pseudonym for Kylo Ren. He's enemies with Leia, so of course he's going to call her fat. It's his immature way, after all.

It took almost 100 comments before someone mentioned this. People 'round here don't got their priorities straight!

Well, he only has to put up 10%, and the bail bondsman puts up the rest. Then, if Cosby skips town before his next court appearance, they send Dog or Boba Fett or some other bounty hunter to hunt him down.

When you convert to metric, it's way over 500.

I want to make this perfectly clear: I thought the lawyer was a prostitute.


My father, having only recently delved into genealogy, told me over Christmas that our family was not from County Mayo, as we long believed, but instead from Cork and Antrim! Oh, the relief!

"When Jerry has Paris surrounded and begins the inevitable siege, proper meat will soon be consumed with no replenishment coming from the enemy-occupied countryside. Once the price of a beef streak increases to the point where currency is no longer a viable option to purchase it, and sellers insist, instead, on all

It's threads like this that make me love the AV Club.

I remember reading something from John Cleese regarding the brouhaha surrounding The Life of Brian, in which he repeated the argument that the Pythons were mocking religious zealotry and had nothing against Jesus' teachings, but in such a snide way (something like, "of course, nothing against the teachings of Jesus,

Playin' with their own ding-a-lings?

I used to think the ending of Jedi was a cop-out. Like, for about three decades I thought that. But upon rewatching it a couple of years ago, I finally realized why the ending totally works: Luke demonstrates that he is the greatest Jedi not only by resisting the Dark Side as his father could not, but also because he

Word to the wise: the locals call it NewLibIA.

Best shithouse poetry I ever encountered:

Run doesn't mean win. All kinds of crackpots in professions that don't normally feed into politics have run over the centuries.

I was thinking Texas.

I understand what you're saying, but it sounds like a variation on "not all men are like that," and it became very important around this site to heap disdain on that line of thought not too long ago. So, as an AV Clubber in good standing, I feel it's my duty to get outraged by you saying that!

Local mom figured out which (detectives hate her!).