Millennial Historian

Ladies and Gentlemen
Fellow Americans
Lady Americans
This is James Brown
I wanna talk to you about one of our
Most deadly
Killers in the country today
I had a dream the other night, and I
Was sittin' in my living room
Dozed off to sleep
So I start to dreamin'
I dreamed I walked in a place and
I saw a real strange, weird object

In the United States, there are many influential and respected economists who denigrate the notion that anything resembling a public good even exists. And not all of them are even dissembling in order to prop up a system that benefits them at the expense of the vast majority of middle- and lower-class people — after

The sooner you realize that most of the world (governments, sure, but also businesses and other organizations) is run by adults who are at the intellectual level of a high-school C-student, and the emotional level of an 18-year-old, the easier it is to calibrate a response to the world's idiocy that allows you to

Thank you so much for using "jibes" there. It's so rare — and thus so satisfying — to see correct usage in the wild.

And after a nuclear war, the radiation will cause those reed pipes (and other accustic instruments) to mutate so as to have their own amplification!

Merry Fucking Christmas.

I'm still hoping he shows up for his last State of the Union speech in a dashiki, having grown out an Afro and a neatly trimmed goatee. He approaches the lectern and says, "Some of you in this chamber and in the audience at home have been scared of me since I was inaugurated. You thought I was a scary, angry black

I disagree with the bottom half of your list — but, still, big ups for what you did there!

Rule #1 for Teabaggers: they don't respect anything Obama does. Anything.

I want some taquitos.

Desk drawer? Pfft. Camelbacks were invented for this kind of thing.

(Ahem) The correct plural is "greats jobs, internettes."

Wait, how is a "Lemon party" joke racist?

Was anyone ever on both MadTV and SNL? Not at the same time, of course. I mean, did anyone have both shows on their resume?

"Wait the fuck on"?

What does one eat at Thanksgiving there?

Putin rules Russia, the vastly more powerful country. That has a multiplier effect on his assholery.

The lack of freedom of speech coupled with Turkey's obstinate commitment not to do much of anything fighting against ISIS just for fear that it might help out the Kurds had me wondering why the fuck we consider them allies. I'm pretty glad NATO didn't even appear to consider for a moment unifying behind Turkey after

As evidenced by her growing ever lovelier with each passing year. It ain't natural!