Millennial Historian

The prophecy I believe in was laid out by Parliament-Funkadelic in "Chocolate City." It can still come to pass!

"misogenist"? This is a thing? I hate miso soup, too! I'm so happy to find out there's a word to describe me!

The Jon Erick Hexum Story.

How 'bout Hannah Montana? What ever happened to her?

When I saw U2 in 1997, Rage Against the Machibe opened for them. Kinda fits, in a way.

Old Style is great in the summer.

They should have made one with Godzilla vs. the Loch Ness Monster.

Oh, that's on its way! World War III: Putin against the Rest, coming summer of 2016 (by the looks of things).

Whoa, what? You're solidly a Millennial, but you're trying to distance yourself from the worst aspects of your cohort by attempting to shift into Generation-X? That's like someone trying to smuggle themselves into East Germany!*

Fuckin'-A, yeah it does! Especially if it's one of those cakes made with 7-Up.

Good God.

If that's the net result of the otherwise asinine Libertarian movement, I would consider it a success. 'Cause growing a useless crop of grass is stoooopid.

Here's why Generation-X is better than the Millennials: there are waaaaay fewer Gen-Xers.

Well, sure. No one actually listens to music anymore. They just come to pop culture websites to talk about it.

[whispers] She went to Jared!

Better softball team name: the Rounders. Even the Grounders.

Bear baitin'? That's going deep in the archives to find an old-fashioned practice to bring back as a hipster trend.

Well done! We don't hear "transgressors" enough these days.

Shoot Jesse James?

Woah, what? No snark — I really don't see how Max's story is that of Moses.