Millennial Historian

And yet prescient. Those Skywalkers are nothing if not "robotically enhanced humans."

It's clear to me that the Internet is haunted.

Walt Whitman wrote of "father stuff."

A lot if those macho cops are actually quite insecure about their manhood, and comments like this accrete over time and drive them to use their night sticks more often, and with less and less justification.

The Amazon ads at the bottom of my screen are frightening.

Just copy your entire post and paste it into Google. I'm sure you'll find that article on the first page of results!

I'd really be interested if there was a scene with Pryor reacting to something George Carlin said or did. I've only heard Carlin's side of their rivalry.

364 days of an old lady who shouldn't be driving almost driving through the front door of the grocery store

Donation? Volunteering? That doesn't sound like capitalism to me. No soup for you!

This is why the suburbs suck. If you can't take dense, diverse city living, that's fine. But move out to the fucking country and farm or something. The half-rural-but-still-close-enough-to-the-city-that-I-can-work-there dream of the suburbs is unsustainable and unrealistic.

I live in a small city (~50,000 people), and I've heard of people calling the cops because cars they didn't recognize were parked in front of their house. Lots of people have the misconception that the street in front of their house belongs to them.

I think this old guy and you should stop denying what is clearly a deep, animal attraction and just fuck, already.

$60? No thanks. I'll find some croc-offs.

For that analogy to work, I would have to somehow bring in my current income in American dollars while living in that favella, or at least close enough to see it, sneer, and ask, "Why don't those poor people just buy some more money?" Jennifer Lawrence, et al., live in my country, close enough to people like me that

They've just been in, like, a dozen movies together in the last few years, like they're so in love they can't be separated even for work.

I can get behind that, Buttocks!

I didn't take anything in Chappelle's skit as being a knock on Prince as a musician. There were some digs at his weirdo/androgynous stage persona, sure. But mostly the joke was about how everybody (viewers included) vastly underestimated Prince and the Revolution's skills on the court.

My guess is red-lining.

He is royalty, after all.