Millennial Historian

Twin Peaks is back? Is it advisable to go there unarmed?

No coverage here at the pre-eminent pop-culture criticism site?

There was just such an XM Radio station.

"Sorry, Genevieve. You only like the thought of working here again because of nostalgia. If you look at the job objectively, you'll see that it's just not very good."

Will its corpse remain on the Internet, unburied, like Antigone's brother?

Fuck Hulu and their ads that crash my browser right in the Hulu-hole.

I knew I was old when I was buying ice cream at the grocery store and reached for butter-pecan, the old-people-est ice cream in the world.

…and I haven't seen either show in 3 or 4 years.


You bet I could. I'm not such a bad consumer of insoluble fiber, myself.

Haven't you heard? "Nerd culture" has gone mainstream, and nerds are the popular people now. Accordingly, nerds are supposedly threatening to supplant jocks at the top of the social hierarchy, and must be stopped. New threats necessitate new weapons and stratergies.

Yeah, we need glaring disfigurement to figure out who the nerds are.


The Dissolve is gone? Huh. Can't imagine why. I tried reading that thing three times and needed smelling salts to wake me back up.

Yeah, there's a whole consumerist pacification element that we've not included in the mix. Build several Walmarts in Baghdad, and I bet then sectarian violence subsides pretty damn quick.

Coffee, too.

I was totally with you on this in college. I've mellowed since, and no longer feel the urge to kill rising whenever a Bob Marley song is playing. I still never would spin that shit myself.

Something something Jade Helm something.

Nothing inspires tranquility of mind and spirit like hearing Michael Jackson saying the word "penis."

Donald Duck is a mean muthafucka, and unpredictable in his ire. I'd give him a wide berth if I ever found myself in Toon Town.