Millennial Historian

"Bill, you're like school during summer."

"Apparently, the accusations weren't enough."

Both in terms of turning away from a mode of expression that made them famous and of embracing the inauthenticity of being pop stars, I would say that what U2 were doing in the early 1990s was very similar — and it similarly propelled them to new commercial and artistic heights.

Well, someone brought up Louie C.K. Above, so is that 7.a.?

I googled him over the weekend, wondering the same thing. Apparently he's on Twitter, talking about how his wife just had a baby, and how great it is, but how he'd really like to take a break from feeding a newborn and cleaning up vomit just to talk pop culture on the AV Club. To which, I say, "You got time to tweet,

They're going to awesome it up even more by putting a woman on it! Not the $20 bill, like people actually wanted, but the sawbuck. The same people making that decision must have been in charge of yanking the Dukes of Hazzard from TV Land. Ph.D.s in Missing the Point.

It can be first declension and masculine, much like nauta or other traditionally male occupations. But, yes, almost all first-declension nouns are feminine.


Thanks, Obama.


Your metabolism will change someday, too, young man!

I have to admit, if it's 2:00 a.m. and a Time-Life music collection infomercial comes on — especially if it's a country music collection — I'm sitting right there for the next half hour.

The sky usually gives me a good indication that the shit is about to hit the fan.

I like the way this Bort Sr. thinks!

As someone who hasn't played a video game since early-1990s Sega, I missed the idea that others have put up, that this movie is basically Grand Theft Auto. I have to assume that's correct. This movie has a lot of visual humor, too. It's dark, but it's there.

Canada? I don't think you understand what the word "redneck" means.

Except that it features Liam Neeson as a Southern sheriff. Just horrible, horrible casting.

When sincere religious people want to isolate themselves from a corrupt and fallen world, you get mystical ascetics, who sometimes write entrancing accounts of their communion with the sublime; or monks and nuns who preserve ancient texts, recite otherwise forgotten prayers and songs so they aren't lost to history,

Since the North Vietnamese and their sympathizer son the Sourh were Communists, I would guess they were explicitly godless as a matter of public policy and allowable public expression. How people felt about religion in private, however, would be harder to say.

A friend of mine was bar mitzvah'd in 1986, right around the time of US bombing strikes on Libya. The rabbi used his sermon to praise the bombing and to explain the very point you were bringing up: that the Commandment is more correctly read as "You shall not commit murder." It makes sense to me. I mean, any realistic