Millennial Historian

I'd say the feeling is mutual, but this Catholic regards evangelicals as heretics, which means they're dangerously in error and corrupting of others' understanding of the truth, but still a type of Christian.

I always liked Snuffy's entrance and exit music. Would that we all had that!

At least secure the URL!

Like a daisy-chain?

Like a daisy-chain?

Hayden Panatiere (sp?) is a lovely lady, but seeing her in the role of Amanda Knox just reminds me how unbelievably beautiful Knox is.

You know what sucks for Amanda Knox? She must speak flawless Italian after so many years in their prisons, but since they want to try her again, she can't ever go back there. It's like an O. Henry story.

Somewhere, in the vast reaches of these here interwebs, there is a place for a show like this. Strangers with Candy-style comedy.

I would argue that the government has a legitimate interest in regulating marriage for two reasons. First, to ensure that neither spouse is being exploited, fleeced, blackmailed, etc. Licensing and public ceremonies help with this somewhat. Second, and far more realistically, since divorce involves the separating of

Cockface gravy? I think that's illegal in some states, yet. I think I know the next big gay-rights case that will come before the Court!

Millennial Historian was watching this whole affair and — the tedium of it all accentuating the pain of never being able to fulfill dreams of a life full of colors beyond earth tones and spices beyond salt and pepper — committed sepaku with a steak knife. It all went so quietly in the back corner booth that no one

Rick Perry Tries to Say "Jiggery Pokery"; Flubs Line; Secret Service Narrowly Rescues Candidate from Angry Crowd at Juneteenth Celebration

It's too bad that after Rachel Dolezal, the term "self-identify" is making me giggle a little.

The good news is that people who don't like racial integration are fewer and fewer every year. The bad news is that, as we were reminded last week, the ones that remain feel less and less secure in their position of dominance and are more and more willing to use horrible violence as they lash out in fear and

Different positions, you say? [lifts one leg up toward ear]

Indeed, opponents of federal actions like this often say they want to let the states decide, either through referenda or acts of legislatures. But our courts have long maintained that fundamental rights are too important to leave up to a popular vote. If civil rights had been left up to the populations of southern

I've got a friend who posted "Isn't it great that all it took to defeat racism was banning a flag?" all snarky and straw-man-like. Then he's been crowing about how great it is that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a constitutional right to gay marriage. He's a bundle of surprising opinions coexisting in one person

The first episode of the West Wing has Sam's lady friend asking who "poh-tuss" is, when she sees POTUS on his phone. She suggests that his boss needs a better nickname. He then informs her that it stands for "president of the United States," the sweeping strings and fluttering flags of the credits swell, and every

Are you serious? Ten years ago, only 37% of all Americans supported gay marriage, and states were passing constitutional amendments forbidding it by huge margins. People even credited Bush-43's election in 2004 in part to such amendments being on the ballot in key swing states — ie, people lukewarm on Bush himself

To quote Antonin Scalia, "Huh?"