Millennial Historian

I am one who says Wendell Pierce should be in everything, but I hate for him to have to play such a scumbag like Thomas just to get a leading role. On the other hand, Bunk and Antionne Baptiste didn't really require him to inhabit another personality, so maybe he wants the challenge of this role. In the end, I just

Look, there's only room for one Sal on this series, and they made the right choice with young Miss Draper.

Bert was the singular most ruthless gangster on the show — at least until we got to know that head bald bastardo at McCann.

Any album with a recognizable Shane MacGowan on it.

I also hate it when you're driving a 2-ton death machine while paying attention to anything other than the road!

At the end of the Fresh Air podcast about David Letterman's last show, Terry Gross included a segment from her first-ever interview with Letterman, from back in 1981 or so —it was after his daytime show was cancelled and before he started Late Night. He was talking about the comedians he found funny, starting with

These are the same people who have revived the "Baby on Board" signs on cars: they were the babies on board back in the mid- to late-1980s, so they were too young to remember the contempt those signs aroused in other drivers, and thus apply them to their own vehicles now, thinking they're a great idea. "Now people

Holy shit, it took this comment for me to realize we weren't talking about Elizabeth Moss!

What is a "Vested T-shirt"? A weird British name for a V-neck? An undergarment that is eligible to draw the full value from its retirement plan?

As one who was a teen in the (early) 1990s, let me assure you that we managed to have plenty of unrealistic beauty standards even in a world without internet porn and omnipresent cheap plastic boobs. We just developed our standards based on gravity-defying hair and anorexia, while going ahead and fucking each other

I first read 1984 in 2003, and shuddered to think about how corporations today have assumed so many of the markers we used to associate with totalitarian governments.

The human brain loves orderly repetition. It was (and I guess still is, depressingly) a big part of the appeal of fascism.

That's so our future Army officers can more easily remember who they're fighting for.

Mmmmmm. That's damn good coffee.

Nine digits? That's the amount of sales one of their stores does in six months.

Somewhere, some morally bankrupt culture warrior is saying, "at least that'd be hetero."

He has a kink for curly hair, eh? Hmmmmm. Let's get one thing straight: naturally curly hair is all kinds of awesome!

Of course it doesn't work as well for black guys: prisons are full of guys pulling the Jesus line.

Jesus should have addressed this by telling his disciples not to make a big, attention-grabbing show out of preaching righteousness and gaining accolades for piety while hypocritically acting differently in their private lives.

Yeah, what I've seen a lot of is "a sin is a sin is a sin. Haven't we all screwed up in our lives? [here, they mention something like saying something mean that they later regret, or some other such truly little thing, not at all comparable to sexual violence and incest] We just haven't had a libbrul, Christian-hating