Millennial Historian

People of a certain generation are not always comfortable being out, regardless of how much more open our society is about homosexuality these days. Revealing someone is gay against their wishes is really disrespectful and low. That's private business as long as the person involved keeps it private.

Ah, whatever happened to Sweet Clam?

Have you not heard of a codpiece?

We can't feasibly do that here, what with the largest prison population in the world.

Was that a sequel to Mask, or THE Mask? It's an important difference!

The mistake the legal system is making with Lohan is giving her 7th and 8th chances. Remember how Paris Hilton had to go to actual jail that one time a few years back? Even though it was only for a few days, we haven't heard a peep out of her since then. Lohan needs to be locked up, just so we don't have to hear about

Was the Canadian version first? Was it different? Did they dub Jabba the Hutt in French?

Swanson is a Hungry Man.

This movie got nominated for Best Pucture at the Oscars that year, making it the only years I have ever managed to see all the nominees in that category before Oscar night.

In a twist, it turns out Dr. Richard Kimball was gay-married — to another woman! Duhn-duhn-DUHN!

With any luck, they'll cast that old man who throws down his canes and does a crazy dance:

Explain that green kimono he wore in some episodes, then. That's an orgy-guy garment if ever there was one.

Yes, I remember: you were pointing my gun at me.

"I don't care. I'm after you for having 3 pounds of marijuana in your trunk!"

Consistently and thoroughly.

"Cannibaleadstick" somehow makes my think of hard rock music, luxury sedans, and the deep dark woods in a fairy tale.

FREEDOM fries!*

Lose an empire, gain a new, tasty national cuisine!

Top-flight secretary like her can get a new job before the end of her elevator ride on the way out of McCann!