Millennial Historian

Sally looked like she didn't know what this strange human emotion of grief is, and was remembering back to some training course on how to console these pitiful humans. In other words, Sally is very much her mother's daughter, as much as I love her.

I predict Pete gets nothing. Duck has been drunkenly spinning fictions, and now McCann is pissed because Pete has been trying to get out of his contract, and they'll fire him for breach (breech?). Duck hasn't shown Pete anything in writing. He's just blowing smoke up his ass.

That's pretty much what veterans had as a support group back then (not that their mental health care today is stellar, but it's surely an improvement in the nothing they had back then). That whole Legion scene helped me understand a little better why my combat-veteran grandfather wanted nothing to do with any

I don't know what kind of name Teti is, but I'll bet he's got some Irish ancestry. I tend to get most eloquent when I'm righteously indignant and speaking off-the-cuff.

I disagree. This is analogous to the broken-windows theory of policing. Cracking down on minor things like this, which arguably have no real effect on a game's outcome, while ignoring the rampant use of steroids and other drugs that make players more and more like draft animals is misguided, hypocritical, and probably

It's probably got something to do with playing for Michigan in college. That'll fuck you right up.

I would love to hear that an NFL equipment manager turned down a bribe of shoes, but was turned by a couple of symphony tickets.

"Chiraq" is a portmanteau of "Chicago" and "Iraq," is pronounced "shy-RACK," and is a grim comment on the unusually-high-even-for-Chicago murder rates of the last several years.

I would have guessed it was Tilda Swinton.

LinkedIn has totally rocked my sex life!

I've never heard of him, either, but I thought this sounded fun — like the chair-lifting dance at a bar mitzvah elongated into a relay.

Crucify him!

I've seen that guitar tie a cherry stem into a knot with its tongue!

But they're willing to hitch their brand to the Star Wars prequels? [spits at their mention]

With it comes the scattered-smothered-and-covered hash borer.

They won't take Hydrooneys?

Say it ain't so!

Sharif don't like it (thinks it's not Kosher!)

I am pooping on the toilet, just like a grown-up.

I took it as that guy had been terrorizing that diner for years, and no one had the guts to stand up to him. So, Clark Kent walks in and teaches him a lesson. Basically, that trucker isn't likely to pick on nerdy guys with glasses anymore.