Millennial Historian

I'm not in the mood.

Did you know that Ricky Gervais is an athiest? If you ever run into him, you should ask him about it.

In the places I've lived, such combo places are usually run by Vietnamese. My guess is that they care far less about the differences between the two heavyweight hegemons of the 20th-century Far East than they do about making a buck. 'M'r'ca!

It's a sad comment on how we've squandered millennia of knowledge handed down to us by denuding our educational system to the point that anything that involves trigonometry 4000 years ago is too tricky for us.

Yeah, I think Mrs. Jeb is going to make it hard for him to get the nomination. Look at how people reacted to hot-blooded Teresa Heinz Kerry. Of course, that was 2004, the year everyone lost their goddamned minds about the "threat" of gay marriage; 11 years later, gay marriage looks to be on its way to federal

When I read the name Andreeva, I just assumed she was from India or elsewhere in the subcontinent/Indian ocean.

No need for hypotheticals. Their response in real life was tear gas, arresting reporters, and pointing guns at and threatening to kill peaceful protesters in Ferguson, MO.

Whatever it takes to get me my coffee: railroad, airship, submarine — whatever!

The Irish: finally white enough!

Ted Cruz doesn't speak Latin, or even Spanish; he speaks French, the other official language in the land of his birth.

People often say that Batman is fascist. I don't see it. I have, however, considered how terrifying it would be to the people of Gotham if he went extra-crazy and started offing people who weren't up to his standard of good citizenship. Basically, he'd be a lot like the killer in Seven.

In all seriousness, someone needs to make a movie about Dolph Lungren's life. If his Wikipedia entry is true, he's a fascinating person.

Since (1) the US population became majority-suburban in the early 1990s and (2) suburban areas are predominantly white, it's likely that any randomly picked white American born after the mid-1980s grew up in the suburbs. My impression is that the AV Club staff is predominantly white and (shudder) predominantly born

Her complaint was just bewildering technophobia. Waiting for public transit is boring as all hell. Would she complain about someone reading a book or newspaper in that same situation? That should be the rule of smart-phone etiquette: if it would be rude in the situation to flap open a newspaper and read it, then it's

He doesn't need the publicity to help his career. Hell, no one gave him a helping hand when he was on food stamps back when he was struggling to get started.

"We're re-releasing Ishtar. Hey, it's not Mortdecai!"

Yeah, Catholic school is a whole different thing from Evango-Fundamento-Right-Wingnut madrasahs. The giveaway is that they're usually called "academies." They were first set up in the south to avoid integrated public schools. They still do that, of course, but they've evolved to also churn out new generations of

Does this podcast improve after the first couple of episodes? I try never to judge a long-running work by its initial installments, but this didn't grab me like I thought it would. I was hoping for something eerie, but they were going for funny instead. Not just that, but funny in that "it's so random" way that

I just listened to the first two episodes the other day, and I got that "too precious" shit right off the bat. It reminds me of high school theater types who have an unjustified sense of their own cleverness. But I might be the weirdo, since this is apparently wildly popular.

I got nuthin'. Spring arrived very suddenly this past week, so I went the fuck outside for the first time since about Halloween.