Millennial Historian

When I was in grad school and had to sit down for a sustained effort at concentration, I would put in my CD of Dvorák's 3rd and 6th symphonies. I called it my "Gettin' Shit Done" soundtrack. I can play Dvorák's 7th, 8th, and 9th symphonies in their entirety in my memory, but sitting here cold, I couldn't him you a

"Josh Gad" sounds like something a maiden aunt would say to avoid even a whiff of cussing.

You start seeing Cardinals paraphernalia and hearing Southern accents in Homewood.

But do they have 3-eyed fish? Huh?

A Fox News-Flavored Product talking haircut said basically that very thing because the Charlie Hebdo and Kosher supermarket gunmen were wearing masks. The gist was this: "how are we supposed to know who the bad guys are if we can't see what they look like."

The only things that make that scenario clearly fictional are Cheney laughing and Powell caring about truth and integrity just enough to feel really bad about what he was joining in on.

They didn't go far enough. They should have de-canonized the prequels and the Special Editions, too.

Now that's some serious wrath of gapes: you hate 'em, but don't even know what they are! My boy, you could be a US Senator from Texas!

That explains why they always have southern accents, no matter where you run into them!

That sounds like someone bragging that he was a big fan of Steve Balboni when he was in the minor leagues.

For me, at least, the lyrics are filler. They might as well be in a language I don't speak. The song is all about the beats and loops.

I agree. I was never a fan of hers like I was a U2 fan, but they have similar trajectories. They had their creative peaks at about the same time (roughly 1985-1995), and have had a few flashes of their old brilliance since then, but mostly have just not been willing to saunter off into elder-statesmen roles, instead

I suppose it could be. I don't think it's meant to be about any specific dark, closely guarded, deadly secret, but could be about any. I haven't seen At Close Range; maybe that movie sheds some light on the song.

"Camille Paglia's enjoyably overheated prose"

Liked, but for me it's tied with "Ray of Light."

Didn't he also direct "Cradle of Love" around this same time?

I'm glad "Live to Tell" got a nod, here. That's always been on the short list of my favorites from her.

There's a dead guy in Newhart's trunk right now.

This is precisely why the phone gag was absolutely the wrong thing to do, from his publicist's perspective: it gives people the chance to fill in half the conversation in a way that could make Cosby look even worse. You'd think they would have learned their lesson after the "meme me" thing, but clearly not.

U2 needs this so fucking bad. I haven't listened to their last two albums, but the two from 2000 and 2004 with ridiculously long titles showed me a Bono who was phoning it in, both in songwriting and singing, far too often. I think he's bored being a rock star and wants to be Secretary-General of the UN or something.