Millennial Historian

Sounds like a Regarding Henry sequel.

Yeah, I've heard that. You run into assholes all day, could be you're the asshole; then again, could be you're in Texas.

That's the one where everyone's drunk, right? See, they figured out a way to make the show fun: get funny people liquored up, give awards to comedies, and don't take it all so seriously. Of course, Golden Globes don't get people 25% higher pay on their next gig, so it's easier to be irreverent. Still, it's amazing

Well, obesity really is a problem in American society, and one function of comedy is to open our eyes to painful facts by letting our laughter invite the truth into our hearts and minds.

Everyday is, indeed, a winding road.

"Provincially"? "Heritage building"? I thought you spoke English in Ontario.

Does the number of people there "offering" to provide protection for a fee indicate a particularly rough area, or an area kept extremely safe by so many civic-minded freelance protection outfits?

And who's more country than Shania Twain?

In Paris, I actually met a young man who claimed to be from Montreal, but was unique among my Canadian acquaintances because (1) he was visibly tipsy after just two beers, and (2) he had some clearly not spur-of-the-moment views on how dark-skinned people were the cause of trouble all over the world. I would have

I'm surprised that something with the name "Bon Secours" isn't in Quebec.

Those moments are very valuable, however, as time capsules. They remind us of what was unremarkable yet completely awful about "the good, old days." They are more instructive in their casual, unconscious reinforcement of white supremacist attitudes than any overt didactism from Birth of a Nation or anything similar.

When you meet them, kiss them for me.

Everybody will be wearing Smurf blue and blaze-orange. Plus, the trout fishing is just some of the best in the world.

It's that kind of party! [pulls off shirt and pants before realizing everyone else only took their coats off and piled them on the bench in the entryway]

I think Pattinson could be convincingly cast as Joachin Phoenix's brother in a movie. Their faces look a lot alike to me.

I've always really liked her, and in ready for her to have a mid- or late-career Renaissance. If it can happen to Matthew McCoughnehy (sp?), I'd like to see it happen for Heather Graham. This type of role might work for her: older, still gorgeous, but sadder and wiser lady of unexplored depth. Basically, she should

Don't forget Joe Kennedy Jr.!

I'm curious how they're going to (1) find an excuse for a mid-19th-century gentleman to strip to his wife-beater each week, and (2) how they'll explain away the fact that the same man has a big, huge tattoo of Christ crucified on his arm.

That banquet at the beginning, where he fights the guards with the stag across his shoulders? Holy fuck, that was great! Then he struts in like a boss, totally steals the show from the king, and stirs up a big ol' swinging-from-the-chandelier sword fight. It would have been a masterpiece even if it ended after the

One of the best movies ever made. It has everything in it…except black people.