Millennial Historian

Maybe. But in some slightly-less-than-apocalyptic situations, like Moscow subways, populations of dogs have survived without much direct human interaction. So they can rely on human activity to survive, get a bit more feral resourcefulness, and stay clear enough of humans to avoid conflicts. Dogs are very different

All benefit of the doubt rescinded.

'Cause that's when Kristen Schaal shows up? To do some yankin'?

I thought you were going to say that you then think about how much you'd have to kill to live that life, and give up because it's either too much work or too abhorrent.

Some would, if you fed them. Then those loyal dogs would keep other hostile dogs at bay. Some strays might join your pack as subservients. Nah, I think humans and dogs will largely keep their successful partnership going for as long as both are around. We've evolved together for so long, in ways that far predate

Admittedly, 30 Rock wasn't her best character, but I've loved her in everything else I've seen. Plus, I am mesmerized by her eyes. She has truly gorgeous, captivating eyes like no others I've ever seen.

Regard it as a trap.

Use of the term "middle America" is an indication of lazy and imprecise thinking, at best, and ignorant bigotry, at worst. I don't know you, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But it's really not a good term to use, since it's too vague to describe any real place, and it's almost always used to convey

That was brilliant, but the going to bed without dinner part was a work of subtle, evil genius.

"I'm on my break!"

Something that has stuck with me from a high school reader on literature is the idea that reading a book (and, by extension, watching a film) for plot is the sign of an "immature reader"; that concentrating only on plot prevents one from appreciating characterization and more abstract themes.

A Southern dandy. And they're not going to a church social.

I'm not forming an opinion until I hear what Bill O'Reilly has to say on the matter.

That looks like one of those really bad G.I. Joe figures from the late-1980s.

Or the End of the Affair.

Not just joy at the end, but he really sells the sweaty, drunken rage, the suicidal desperation, and the coming-apart-at-the-seams confusion during the alternate-history Clarence section. Plus all the boyish enthusiasm and doomed optimism of the first half of the movie.

Watched The Running Man. Always amazed when watching mid- and late-1980s action movies at how cheap everything looks. Also, in this one, they barely made any attempt at making things look futuristic at all. It was more like an alternate-universe 1987. Pretty middling story, and unbelievable "triumph" at the end. Oh,

But it think in proper German, that should be "Der Spambot, Der," so that alibi falls apart.

So, everyone is finally just calling it "Precious" now?

That's my favorite part. It's enough to outweigh every Rush Hour movie and make me say that I like Chris Tucker.