Millennial Historian

It's "coarse," you fracking idiot!

Since it's Universal, could the next fanfic erotica involve the Creature from the Black Lagoon?

Yes, middle-aged people should never fantasize about being young again, when their bodies were leaner, stronger, and more flexible.

Is it set in 1996? Because then they could work in all kinds of topical references to Bob Dole and Steve Forbes!

"She wants a deeper one."

Do you think Marky Mark could pull it off?

There's some pretty good dialogue in it that makes it an interesting addition to the hard-boiled private eye genre. One of my favorite tough-guy moments in all of film was when Shaft went to meet Bumpy, I think, and he had to empty all his pockets. One of the henchmen, who already hated Shaft for killing his buddy,

Mmmmm, yeah. Unh. Pull my hair, baby!

That's really fucking brilliant.


I haven't seen either movie, but everything I've read from thoughtful people (yourself included) indicates that American Sniper isn't the rah-rah feel-good movie that some tight-wingers went in thinking it was and even continue to say it is even after supposedly watching it. I've also heard mostly glowing things about

Just to be clear, it wasn't any notion of anthropological study that offended me. The term "Middle America" (along with "the Heartland," "flyover country," and even reckless, imprecise use of "the Midwest") gets my Irish up.

But which specific parts? You ignore my main question: where is this supposed "Middle America"? What constitutes it? Describe it. Define it geographically or culturally. Then I might give some credence to descriptions of its supposed unique history of racism. Until then, it's just a made-up place in the minds of some

You know what else might be "anthropologically illuminating"? Some kind of condescension-free explanation of what constitutes "Middle America," and what makes the alleged history of racism of the people there somehow different from that of other groups of Americans.

I'm an urban planner. Now I understand why Republicans hate me, even though I'm white.

Depending on your mothers age, she might not have needed to be educated about the Civil Rights movement in the same way you did, though, since she may have lived through it. I can easily imagine a person of baby boomer vintage not relishing the prospect of reliving the violence and upheaval of those days. It's kind of

Yeah, some "true love healed her" would have been pretty easy to fob off on viewers, who were watching a romantic comedy, after all, and have certainly stomached worse in that genre.

Squares don't usually go for that sort of thing, being overly cautious and not given to experimentation.

Not much beyond looking for the video of that girl at the Oregon State library on pornhub (seriously? She's getting charged criminally for that?) and stumbling across Sam Kinnison's cover of "Wild Thing" on YouTube. Wow, that video was so 1988 that it was like a bunch of historians and anthropologists put it together

I remember He-Man was friends with or had an enemy named Fisto.