Millennial Historian

And now I'm reminded that Ewan MacGregor could have been an awesome James bond.

I read today that Miss Linds is thinking about running for prez-ee-dent hisself.

I love the phrase "GOP clown show all-stars." Have 5 internets!

And cured Ebola.

I read her first column here, however many months ago, because the site was hyping the hell out of her as a big "get." I didn't really click with it. If it was meant to be funny, it didn't make me laugh. I may have read another one after that, but have otherwise ignored this column until today — painfully slow and

They'll have him and Jenny Slate in a soundproof booth.

Throw in something about not letting off-field stuff become a distraction, and you've got something. You can really take it to the stratosphere if you work in the word "groin."

It is pretty funny.


What is the University of Phoenix's football team's mascot?

My dream is to find a bar that doesn't have a TV or music playing at ear-splitting volume. You know, a place where two or more adults could responsibly have a couple of drinks and carry on a conversation about the movie they just saw, or the news, or just general stuff about life, God, the future, politics, etc.

Thanks for the clarification, everyone — though I do feel that being exposed to this fact had left me dumber than I was before.

Every time the subject of Compton, CA, comes up, I like to remind people that Kevin Costner is from there.

Dead men apologize to dick Cheney for getting his bullets all bloody.

Wait, how is it pronounced? I guess I've only ever seen it written. I assumed it was "soog" — like something tasty at an Indian restaurant.

She got EGOT. Me not got EGOT.

Oh, this has nothing to do with the "Superman" that Fredo took Michael to see in Havana?

"No. By causing the deaths of innocent people ."

That's the best thing I've read all day.

Of all Williams's music, the entire Superman score is the one I would predict to survive the test of time and still be played 500 years from now. Mostly that's because that score succinctly tells the Superman story independent of the film. Being connected to the character of Superman helps ensure that the music will