Millennial Historian

"Alec Guinness? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time."

I haven't, but I'm going to guess lots of the submissions stretch to the point of nonsense to include inappropriate references to Jesus, Obama, the good old days before dedgregation, and other general racism and bitterness that it isn't still 1959.

I'm Jedi Orthodox, so I don't recognize the prequels. But even if you do accept heretical texts as canon (an offense that should get you thrown into the Sarlaac Pit), Qui-Gon and Mace weren't totally teamed up. Qui-Gon was almost a rogue Jedi, while Mace was on the Council. What I'm talking about is something like

Come on! This deserves way more than 3 measly likes!

That was a goddamned masterpiece.

It must mask less-physical stunt-work, which they've probably gravitated toward for safety/liability reasons. Any low-budget kung fu movie from 40 years ago had more legible fight scenes than this MTV-inspired shit.

"More importantly, why wouldn't he just go straight to the knife? Why get his ass kicked for a while first?"

OMG, I totally demand a Liam Neeson-Samuel L. Jackson team-up now!

I think people did it for successful firsties, too.

At least since the Mo' Betta shirt infestation of the early 1990s.

You sure you want Randy Travis? 'Cause you don't just get half-way with him; you get full-on, even-Gary-Busey-is-nervous Randy Travis.

It's progress. They're just adopting stuff once it's no longer 100% associated with black people, so it's been "domesticated." Back in the first half of the 20th century, hillbilly music wouldn't allow drums at all.

We have reached the singularity.

Shit, if a band out of Boston can be country, why not everyone?

Well, looks ain't ev'rything…

Sounds like you live in Missouruh.

[Bela Lugosi vice]: No one gives two fucks for Neville Chamberlain.

"straight-laced Reba McEntire"? I never thought of her that way. She always seemed like up-from-trash to me (it takes one to know one!).

Yep. Cf. the ending shot of Goodfellas.

I can't believe it took this long into the comments for this to be referenced!