Millennial Historian

…Watergate, punk rock.
Begen, Reagan, Palestine,
Terror on the airlines…

"as if Rod Stewart in 1993 is some lothario raconteur."

Is Tom Cochrane that fucking "Life Is a Highway" guy? If so, he needs to be thrown into the Sarlaac pit.

Miss a beat, lose the rhythm.

He's just extremely stealthy and ruthlessly tenacious.

Looks like dried grass stems clinging to Wheatabix.

…but it feels so right.

Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday, and I genuinely pity people who don't celebrate it. It helps that I love all the traditional foods people make on this holiday (if you don't like turkey and dressing, I can see why you wouldn't like it). All people celebrate it basically the same way regardless of religion

These are awesome! A loved one did this with a bunch of fellow-American students while they were in London, where it was just another Thursday. We did it one year with a Jewish friend who asked if she could join us in the post-Thanksgiving Christmas tree decorating. We don't usually put up a tree so early, but for her

Plus, we haven't really found a way to commercialize it, so it's really only about the food, family, and gratefulness. Of course, if your family is terrible, I guess it's just like a shitty Christmas with no gifts.

Acceptable foods for ritual holiday meals:

You do whatever you want in Celsiusland.

I only learned about the Thanksgiving ham-eaters a few weeks ago. Eating ham instead of turkey on Thanksgiving is strange and absurd, and there will be none of it at my house.

Too soon.

Blasphemy of the Planet of the Apes — (which actually sounds pretty cool!)

Technicolor Yawn of the Planet of the Apes

Bail on the Gimp

…and it was padded in the middle with excerpts from the Oliver North trial.

I fought "pub" for a while for the same reason. But I will die on the barricades fighting against calling soccer "football" while standing on American soil, or on an American-registered ship at sea.

Yeah…about Schmidt…