Millennial Historian

I don't think Henry Rollins is making any distinction like that.

That lineup isn't worth shit without Rush Limbaugh.

"It's amazing how wide the asshole spectrum really is." — Larry Craig

Honestly, though, when he or Gene Simmons or someone else spouts off like this, at least it becomes a chance for others, at least around here, to speak out or up in defense of more enlightened views on the subject. those voices may never convince someone like Simmons or Rollins, but they might have an incalculable

So, since this is a time-travel type question, are you wanting to back to that theater, find your younger self, and have sex?

I share your interpretation. I was born in 1974, but I don't really remember anything about The Seventies. It was just my toddlerhood and a few years after that. I mean, I remember things from the 1970s, but they were just kid stuff, like skinning my knee on the sidewalk, and shit like that. That these things

Did you develop big, muscly forearms at that job? When I was a kid, I remember an older guy who worked at my neighborhood ice cream shop who had really beefy, ripply, sinewy forearms. I used to love watching them work when he would scoop ice cream. Looking back now, he was probably an ex-con, because why else would

He sounds like one charming mother-fucking pig, alright!

Like someone said in a comment on the article about the film the other day, by the end of that movie, the characters and even the fucking audience had earned that happy ending!

I was (and seem still to be) the only white person in America who was glad to see OJ go free. Not because I think he was totally innocent, but because (1) he couldn't possibly have been guilty of what he was accused of, which was single-handedly killing those two people; and (2) the cops just ran roughshod all over

It was so big, the news eclipsed Ryne Sandberg's first retirement from baseball, which should have been the top story if not for the Bronco chase.

Yeah, I clicked on the article with some real apprehension.

Megan Mullally will turn 56 years old in November. I'd like to know what specific demon or devil she made a deal with, because I don't look half as good as she does at 55, and I'm only 40!

No way! Keytar is up there with V-shaped guitars in the great pantheon of ridiculous instruments that allow men to wear bright headbands and animal-print tights while somehow still seeming manly.

How 'bout this one: you can never see your own neck as it is.*

They went there when they died? If Paradise exists outside of time, and is an eternal present, then this shouldn't be a problem.

I think Juarez, like lots of other border towns, grew way too fast in the 1990s, with the arrival of the maquiladoras and all those manufacturing jobs. I've heard of lots of shanty-towns springing up on the outskirts of many such cites. I don't imagine they fared too well in the last 10-15 years, with the shift of

I don't wish to give offense about your hometown, but I wasn't impressed with El Paso. At least the places I traveled through were dominated by large, oppressive swaths of concrete, be they highways, the areas underneath bridges, or the river channels. What wasn't concrete was dusty, dirty, and was visibly a place

I think your reaction to the violence is correct. The movie was an attempt at commenting on America's cultural and media blood-lust, but in my estimation ended up becoming the very thing it was supposedly condemning: a prurient wallow in sadism, cruelty, and excessive violence.

The last shot, of Roy and his newly acknowledged son playing catch in a field — do you think Roy is dead in that scene, and is playing catch in some Elysian Field for great ball players? 'Cause that's what I think. I think that last home run killed him. He was dying as he rounded the bases, and all those fireworks