Millennial Historian

The previous year was no slouch, either:
Schindler's List
The Piano
Remains of the Day
In the Name of the Father
The Fugitive
Jurassic Park
Groundhog Day
Falling Down
In the Line of Fire

I say Ed Wood should have won, and it wasn't even nominated! It's a shame that a noble movie like Shawshank has gone on to such esteem in the 20 years since, while Ed Wood — perhaps the greatest American film of the decade — continues to live on in obscurity.

Even if I give your mother the benefit of the doubt and assume she simply didn't know what the movie was when she bought it and decided to screen it for a 9-year-old, what the fuck was she thinking by not stopping it cold after the first 15 minutes or so?

I hope that experience hasn't put you off of Rodney Dangerfield. Back to School is something you shouldn't miss out on. No blood and guts in that one; just laughs!

I think that's what might be so satisfying about the movie: there are some really, really bad people in it, and all of them get their punishment, while the good characters eventually get freedom and peace.

If one is really that smart, he'll amass a whole lot of money, and he can use that to make large donations to politicians, thereby influencing their votes on issues he cares most about. That's what democracy has devolved to in 21st-century America.

I haven't seen it since it was in theaters, so I don't remember a lot about it, but I do remember being wowed by a lot of the visuals. Having been a fan of Coppola's Dracula for a couple of years at that point, I was hopeful that movies like these were signaling a trend for much more visually inventive movies coming

No, I started this account after someone said something like, "I was too young to remember the Berlin Wall, but when Barack Obama was elected, it was just like seeing all those Russians dancing on the Wall when it came down." It was originally going to be a gimmick account, from which I would post purposely erroneous

Straight-up devil worship, right there.

What. The. Fuck.
Not you, @avclub-125c0e943c73bb8a0840ab524fdcbd08:disqus . You didn't write that tripe. I hold you blameless for "Generation Catalano."

Twenty years old. In college. Finally got into the meaty literature and history courses I had been excited about when I started college a couple of years earlier. Smoked (tobacco) and drank a lot, but my liver was better back then. Smoked pot for the first time. Went on awesome, spur-of-the-moment road trip to El

I got out of grad school in 2009, and am amazed that I never once contemplated suicide.

If you look back, you'll see that most of the people saying that were just hard-core anti-communist ideologues, or people unwittingly parroting them. History, in Marxism, is the grand arena where the class conflict plays out, and so the word "history" has a powerful connotation to Marxists. By saying the fall of

"You should have seen what they wanted to do!" — motto of Vichy France

Haven't you heard? Playing violent video games will make you into a mass murderer, listening to heavy metal music will make you suicidal, and seeing pictures of naked women will scar you for life: http://www.nytimes.com/2014…

Fuck yeah, Ed Wood! Best movie of 1994, and maybe of the whole decade. Tim Burton earned his lifetime pass* with that one.

It's not just amusing, it's also a tad hypocritical, considering his diatribe about people who live in America needing to speak English. The chutzpa on this one!

Sic transit gloria mundi.

I'm not a scientist, but I play one at the AV Club…

You don't know me!